Jupyter notebooks for CBSE Class XII Python last minute review

This project is a set of Jupyter notebooks for reviewing Python programming language for CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) Class XI and XII.

What is Jupyter notebook?

The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.

Do I have to install any software on my machine to make use of this project?

No. You can just click on the hyperlinks and read input/output of each Python expression/statement

If you want to edit & play with the expressions/statements, then you've two options:

  1. Click on any of the Jupyter notebook link below. Change the domain from 'github.com' to 'githubtocolab.com'. The notebook will open in Google Colab. You can login with your google id to edit/play with it.

  2. You can choose to install Python and Jypyter notebook on your machine.

I recommend Anaconda. After you install Anaconda, you can then download the zip of this project or git clone this project to play with it on your local machine.

Jupyter notebooks

I freely borrowed from this project:

NPTEL Python Intro course by s-aniruddha

Class XI Python review

Python Language Introduction

Data Structures, Libraries

Class XII Python review

CBSE Computer Science Syllabus for 2020-21

CBSE Computer Science Syllabus

NCERT Computer Science Reference Books

Note: NCERT textbooks do not closely match the CBSE syllabus above. There is extra information as well as missing information.

CBSE Computer Science Textbooks

Note: CBSE textbooks do not closely match the CBSE syllabus above.

CBSE Computer Science Sample Papers

CBSE Past Paper

Beyond CBSE XII board exam

After CBSE XII board exam, what can you learn?