
This repo will hold the way I chose to organise my .dotfiles for use on mac book and for sharing with my Linux VMs.

Primary LanguageShell



This is the way I choose to organise the .dotfiles on my development machine and install my software development arsenals. It is largely personal but I was influenced and motivated to do this because I cannot find my way around OMZ - if you know what I mean.


Clone the repo into your home folder and execute ./.dotfiles/bin/systeminstaller.sh - make sure you understand the content of systeminstaller.sh before executing the shell script.

Resulting shell prompt

shell prompt

Outstanding task list

  1. WIP


This is work in progress WIP and I am happy for you to teach me what to do via a pull request.


The resources I found very useful are:

  1. ZSH.
  2. holman.
  3. dotfiles.
  4. dotfiles hosting.