
Riak 2.0 asynchronous Clojure client. Written with callback functions; requires Java 7 because it uses NIO.2.

Primary LanguageClojure


An asynchronous Clojure client for Riak 2.0 built on top of the Riak Protocol Buffer interface using Java 7's NIO.2.

Kria only only has four dependencies:

I intentionally avoided Netty to reduce complexity. At present, Kria has about 2K lines of Clojure: 1,414 for implementation and 584 for tests. As a very rough point of comparison, Basho's official Riak 2 Java client has about 28K lines of code: 17K for code, 11K for tests. It is more complete, of course, so this isn't an apples-to-apples comparison. Still, I spent considerable effort reducing duplication in Kria, and I believe this makes Kria code easier to read and reason about. I hope this translates to better reliability, too. If and when my team and/or the community wants additional features, I'm confident they can be added with dozens or hundreds of LOC, not thousands.


Add this to your project.clj:

[kria "0.1.15"]

For the following examples, I recommend using these namespace aliases:

[kria.client :as client]
[kria.server :as server]

To create a connection:

(defn conn-cb [asc e a] (println (if e e "connected")))
(def conn (client/connect "" 8087 conn-cb))

The first line sets up the callback that runs after connect succeeds or fails. On failure, it returns the exception e. On success, it prints "connected".

The second line connects to Riak with the specified host, port, and callback.

Try a ping with:

(defn ping-cb [asc e a] (println (if e e "pong")))
(server/ping conn ping-cb)

Get server info with:

(defn info-cb [asc e a] (prn (or e a)))
(server/info conn info-cb)

All of the above calls are asynchronous. The callback functions are for demonstration purposes only. In practice, write your callback functions for your application's needs.

You can find more examples on how to use the API in doc/examples.

Connect Details

The callback for connect takes these arguments:

  • asc : AsynchronousSocketChannel, a Java 7 NIO.2 class that Kria uses for asynchronous IO. Each Kria connection wraps exactly one AsynchronousSocketChannel. The Javadoc is fairly readable, but if you don't want to read it, perhaps the most important thing to know is that each AsynchronousSocketChannel can only support one read or one write at a time. So, if you need to make concurrent calls, you'll need more than one of them.
  • e : exception or nil if no exception.
  • a : attachment, a term used in the NIO.2 documentation. Generally speaking, the attachment is just a placeholder for an object to get passed along if a callback succeeds. In Kria, the attachment varies based on the API call. In the case of connect, it will be true on success or nil on failure.

If you want to pool connections, use the 4 argument version of connect that takes these inputs: [host port ^AsynchronousChannelGroup group cb]. To learn how, read about the AsynchronousChannelGroup class.

Using in Applications

Even though Kria is asynchronous with callbacks, it is easy to wrap it as you like. You might try callback functions, Clojure atoms, and promises and see what works best.

We have found that core.async works great as a layer on top. Just create a core.async channel in advance and have the callback put the desired return value in the core.async channel.

When we write applications, we tend to create a namespace that wraps all calls to Kria in a domain-specific way. That namespace provides an API that the rest of your application relies on. Kria is a thin wrapper over the Riak API, so it does not handle siblings for you; that is something your domain-specific logic must decide.


When I started, my goals were to:

  • write a simple asynchronous Clojure client
  • stay relatively close the Riak API
  • use NIO.2, available in Java 7 and later, instead of Netty

Many projects use Netty, but as I learned more about it, I found that NIO.2 provided all I wanted without the complexity of another dependency. The tradeoff is that Kria requires Java 7 or later.

Other drivers I saw written in Clojure or Java added complexity that I didn't need. The goal was to have a simple layer to abstract away the low-level protocol buffer interface. Other drivers seem to have different objectives.

I started this project before the Java client for Riak 2 was ready. Sean from Basho mentioned on the Riak mailing list that "the new official Java client is designed so that it would be easier to write wrapper libraries in other JVM languages, and to give the user the option of async or sync at the API level." I'd be interested to see what people think of the newer client.

I used the lein-protobuf plugin at first, but stopped using it for these reasons:

  1. The protobuf files change rarely, so the plugin seemed less necessary.
  2. The plugin added complexity that did not seem necessary.
  3. I wanted to understand the protoc command, including how the Java classes were getting created and where they were being stored.
  4. The plugin seemed to slow the REPL start-up time.

As of September 2014, thanks to a recommendation from Basho, Kria uses the Riak protobuf files via Maven, instead of keeping its own copy (which was prone to get stale).

Before Running the Tests

This section is intended for developers who want to run the included tests with lein test.

  1. Since the tests use Riak Search, please ensure that search is enabled. Check that your riak.conf file has search = on.

  2. Also, run test/riak-setup.sh as root once, to create and activate the necessary bucket types.

Message Terminology

This section is intended for developers who want to dig into the internals of Kria. (It may also be helpful in understanding how the Riak protocol buffer interface works.)

Here, I go into some detail about the message components because Basho's terminology of a Riak Protocol Buffer message is somewhat unclear. That documentation uses the term 'message' for both the protobuf part and the entire data structure. This is confusing, especially when you need to be clear about the lengths. That's why I use a separate name, 'payload', for the protobuf component.

So, let me introduce some definitions. The entire data structure is called the message. A message consists of three pieces:

  • body length : Bytes 0 to 3. Encodes the length of the body (e.g. the rest of the message).
  • message code : Byte 4. See kria.core/message-codes.
  • payload : Optional; Bytes 5+. Encoded using Protocol Buffers.

These three pieces can be aggregated in various ways:

  1. body length + message code = header
  2. message code + payload = body
  3. header + payload = message
  4. body length + body = message
  5. body length + message code + payload = message

Hopefully my terminology is clear. If the above five points make sense to you, then you are in good shape. I have nothing new to say, but I do want to make sure that some things are clear.

The body length is simply the length of the body. This sounds simple, but if you read the Riak documentation, you may get confused. It is not the length of the entire message; it does not include itself in the calculation. Put another way:

  • If there is a payload, the body length will be the length of the payload plus 1.
  • If there is no payload, the length is 1.

In both cases, the 1 comes from the message code, which is one byte long. Another related term is the payload length, which is (hopefully clear by now) one less than the body length.

Running Tests in the REPL

It may not be widely known that it is easy to run tests in the REPL.

For example:

(refresh) (run-tests 'kria.search-test)


Copyright 2014 Bluemont Labs LLC

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.