
A graphical debug repl for Clojure, inspired by Smalltalk.

Primary LanguageClojure


A graphical debug repl derived from Nightcode and REDL. Use it to launch breakpoints in interactive REPL windows.


Create a :nightshell user profile in ~/.lein/profiles.clj

  [[sundbry/nightshell "0.1.6"]]
  [(require 'nightshell.core)


Run with your nightshell profile included: lein with-profile nightshell repl

; Enable breakpoints

; Create 
(defn foo [msg]
  (nightshell.core/break (str "Hello" msg)))

; Run your program
(foo "world!")

; Inspect the return value of a breakpoint

; Continue execution after a breakpoint
(nightshell.core/continue my-value)

; Disable breakpoints (useful for escaping loops)

; Catch exceptions in a breakpoint
(nightshell.core/catch-break (throw (Exception. "Zomg!")))

Change log

Version 0.1.6

  • Upgrade dependencies for Clojure 1.10

Version 0.1.5

  • Fix error loading clojure.tools.reader
  • Upgrade dependencies