
LocationKit SDK for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C

LocationKit iOS

The most advanced location manager

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This is the public repo for LocationKit for iOS.

LocationKit is the most advanced location manager available today, created by SocialRadar after years of extensive research into location services on mobile devices. It is free (as in beer) and rich in functionality.

We do offer paid tiers for more detailed analytics, custom reporting, and other advanced features, but all features of our base SDK and lowest tier of analytics will be free always.

LocationKit features:

  • Always-on background location
  • Higher accuracy location than either Apple or Google's raw location services
  • Lower battery drain than running the GPS all the time on high while getting nearly the same accuracy
  • Contextual location data
  • Automatic venue recognition
  • Best of breed location analytics dashboard

For more details on the above, see our Blog, our website, or our full documentation

To get started, sign up for a free developer account and get your API token immediately!

Getting Help

Click here for a whole list of resources on getting help with LocationKit.


Install the latest LocationKit CocoaPod by adding the following to your Podfile:

pod 'LocationKit', '~> 3.0.0-beta'

Full step-by-step instructions:

If you already have an existing project set up with CocoaPods, skip to step 3 below:

  1. If you don't yet have CocoaPods installed, run gem install cocoapods
  2. Then, from your project root, run pod init to get started with CocoaPods. That'll create a Podfile in your project directory
  3. Edit it and add pod 'LocationKit', '~>3.0.0-beta' to that Podfile, making sure LocationKit is included for your intended target.
  4. If you have specified a platfrom (e.g. platform :ios, '8.0'), make sure you specify iOS 8.0 or greater. LocationKit is provided as a Dynamic Framework and as a result is only compatible with iOS 8.0 and above.
  5. Optionally add the use_frameworks! flag to your Podfile

For a full example, below a full example Podfile:

# Your app's Podfile

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'YourApp' do
    pod 'LocationKit', '~>2.3.0'


If you're just getting started with Carthage, check out their getting started guide.

Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "LocationKit/locationkit-ios" ~> 3.0

Manual Installation

We generally recommend CocoaPods or Carthage for installing LocationKit as they are both far easier to update to the latest version, but we understand it can be difficult to retrofit an existing project so we also provide LocationKit as a .Framework for manual integration.

  1. Download the latest LocationKit .framework
  2. Unzip it and you should have LocationKit.framework
  3. In your Project Settings, under General, scroll down to "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" and hit the Plus button
  4. Click the "Add Other..." button and pick LocationKit.framework from the place where you unzipped it
  5. Hit the plus button again and add CoreLocation.framework, MapKit.framework and SystemConfiguration.framework
  6. Under Build Settings > Linking > Other Linker Flags add -ObjC

Swift Only You'll need to add an Objective-C Bridging Header to use LocationKit in a Swift project since it's written in Objective-C.

  1. Add a new File to your project, it will be an Objective-C file and it will be a header file. Give it a name like "-Bridging-Header.h"
  2. In that file, add one line: #import <LocationKit/LocationKit.h>
  3. Under "Build Settings > Swift Compiler - Code Generation > Objective-C Bridging Header" add a value of "/-Bridging-Header.h"


See github.com/socialradar/Cordova-LocationKit for more details.

Proudly engineered in Washington, D.C.