
Assignment done.

Moive List API Source



The Developer Test is a simple test we give our prospective app developers to see how they do given a coding task. The premise is simple, create a simple App that will be able to perform a search using the Search API for movies containing any of the following words: red, green, blue or yellow. The output should be a app page that displays matching movies with their details (title, year, runtime and image) on a page. Also, extract the first matching word in the movie title from the list of colours and show it somewhere on the movie details (maybe as the background colour).

Things we are looking for: use of a Android Studio ( Java or kotlin) , use of git (please provide your git log) use of a database Optional functionality you may like to include Caching of search results

Clone this repository to your Github account (don't fork it please) Create your app, commit it and then push it to Github Email us a link to your completed code You're done!