
Rapid onboarding starter kit for the Nord Pool Auctions API

Primary LanguageC#


Rapid onboarding starter kit for .NET (Core > 2.0 and Framework > 4.7.0) the Nord Pool Auctions API


This solution contains the following projects:


  • A .NET Standard 2.0 library containing a client for NP Auction REST API with all contracts and handling of authentication/authorization through a separate SSO API Client
  • This library can be used within both, .NET Core (version > 2.0) or .NET Framework (version > 4.7.0). For .NET Core use, check the NP.Auction.Client.Core.Extensions project for simple DI registeration using .NET Core built-in DI
  • REST API clients have been constructed utilizing 3rd party library Refit


  • A .NET Framework 4.7.2 Console application that demonstrates all key functionalities of the Auction REST API by utilizing the NP.Auction.Client library.
    • Before usage, please specify proper username/password combination in the App.Config


  • A .NET 6 Console application that demonstrates all key functionalities of the Auction gRPC API by utilizing the proto files in NP.Auction.Client library for client generation.
    • Before usage, please specify proper username/password combination in the appsettings.config file


  • A .NET Core 3.1 library that contains a small extension method for easier registration of the Auction REST API Client
    • In case loading of this particular project fails, please make sure that .NET Core 3.1 SDK is installed. You can install the SDK from here