
Demonstration of different algorithms and operations on faces . Join Discord channel for discussion.

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Demonstration of different algorithms and operations on faces

Despite a variety of open-source face recognition algorithms available, there was no ready-made solution to implement. So In this project all kind of algorithms are implemented and even with various operations that can be implemented in a frontal face. The available algorithms processed only high-resolution static shots and have performed sufficiently well.

There are several approaches for recognizing a face. The algorithm can use statistics, try to find a pattern which represents a specific person or use a convolutional neural network.

Requirements 👇

  • Python3.6+
  • virtualenv (pip install virtualenv)

Installation 👇

  • Create virtual environment-
- `python -m venv env`
- `source env/bin/activate`  (Linux)
- `env\Scripts\activate`  (Windows)
- `pip install -r requirements.txt`

⭐ How to get started?

You can refer to the following articles on the basics of Git and Github.

💥 How to Contribute in Face-X?

  • Take a look at the Existing Issues or create your own Issues!
  • Wait for the Issue to be assigned to you.
  • Fork the repository

click on the uppermost button

  • Clone the repository using-
git clone https://github.com/akshitagupta15june/Face-X.git
  • Read the Code of Conduct
  • Create a Pull Request which will be reviewed and suggestions would be added to improve it.
  • Add Screenshots to help us know what this enhancement/implementation is all about.

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