
Shows you how to get electric prices for you home automation project

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Electric Prices in Europe


This project shows you how to get the electric prices for your home automation project.

Data for Europe is available from this site: https://transparency.entsoe.eu/usrm/user/myAccountSettings where you have to sign up for a security token to get access.

The documentation for the API is here: https://transparency.entsoe.eu/content/static_content/Static%20content/web%20api/Guide.html


This project shows how you can let your home automation decide what to do when the electric price is high or low. And also how to plot a daily diagram as well, like this:

price pr hour

The data returned from the API is in XML, and to do fun stuff with it, the data is converted to a JSON data structure.

Like this, where price is an array where the elements are price at that hour. Example, array element [0] contains the price between 0:00 and 1:00, and element [23] contains the price between 23:00 and 24:00


Time is shown as hours in Norway. The parameters for the script are:

  • Security token
  • Date, any legal value you can feed to the "date" command
  • Norwegian area, like Oslo/Bergen/Trondheim/Tromsø/Kristiansand or Finland
  • Output file for plot (if omitted, no plot is generated)

Since 1 July 2022, there is now differentiated prices on power.

Daytime price 06-22, nighttime 22-06. For Tensio NT ( 21.75 øre/kWh and 10.875 øre/kWh )

The usage pattern is a crontab like this (NB, prices are updated at 14:00):

0 14 * * * 	cd /home/directory/ElectricPrices/src/main/sh; ./getDataFromEntsoe.sh security-token tomorrow Trondheim > result.json

Then the JSON output can be converted to input for gnuplot

cd /home/directory/ElectricPrices/src/main/sh; ./generatePlotData.sh result.json > result.plt

And then finally plotted with

cd /home/directory/ElectricPrices/src/main/sh; gnuplot -c ../plot/plotPrices.gp result.plt 2024-03-29 EUR MWh plot.plot

The project depends on bash scripting, gnuplot, jq and xq, they are installed with:

  • sudo apt install curl
  • sudo apt install gnuplot
  • sudo apt install jq
  • sudo pip install xq

curl -s https://www.hvakosterstrommen.no/strompris-api is also an alternative to fetch electric prices.

Get today's exchange rate, from Norges Bank curl -s "https://data.norges-bank.no/api/data/EXR/B.EUR.NOK.SP?format=sdmx-json&startPeriod=2022-11-27&endPeriod=2022-11-27&locale=no" | jq '.data.dataSets[0].series' | sed "s/0:0:0:0/testing/" | jq .testing.observations | sed 's/"0"/"test"/g' | jq -r .test[0]