This repository is to summarize and archive the materials of the course Fundamentals of Neuroscience at edX.
Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron
- Lesson 1: The Resting Potential
- The History of Bioelectricity
- Voltage
- Introducing the Resting Potential
- Diffusion and Electrostatics
- Potentials and Equilibrium
- Fleet Week!
- The Nernst Potential
- Nernst Potential Problem Solving
- The GHK Equation
- Ion Filters
- The Sodium/Potassium Pump
- Lesson 1: Conclusion
- (Extras!) Museum of Science
- (Extras!) The Human Brain
- Lesson 2: Passive Membrane Properties
- Introduction: Passive Membrane Properties
- Changing the Membrane Potential
- Introduction to Resistance
- Introduction to Capacitance
- Current and Ohm’s Law
- Resistance in the Neuron
- Membrane Capacitance
- Lesson 2: Conclusion
- (Extras!) The Warren Anatomical Museum
- Lesson 3: The Action Potential
- Introduction: The Action Potential
- Fundamentals of the Action Potential
- Voltage-Gated Channels
- The Phases of the Action Potential
- Channels and Probability
- Channel Kinetics
- The Currents Behind the Action Potential
- Lesson 3: Conclusion
- (Extras!) Field Trip: Neurotoxins at the Aquarium
- (Extras!) Field Trip: Electroreception
- Lesson 4: Action Potential Propagation
- Introduction: Action Potential Propagation
- Signals in the Nervous System
- Electrical Signalling
- Signals as State
- Getting from Point A to Point B
- Speeding Up the Action Potential
- Giant Axons
- Myelinated Axons
- Myelination I
- Myelination II
- Lesson 4: Conclusion
- (Extras!) Sheep Brain Dissection
- Do-It-Yourself Labs (optional)
- Introduction to DIY Labs
- Recording and Stimulating a Nerve
- Rate Coding
- Electrode Referencing
- Neuropharmacology
- The Electromyograph
- Grasshopper Vision
- Final Exam
Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 2: Neurons and Networks
- Lesson 1: The Synapse
- Introduction to Lesson 1
- Synapses: Overview
- Basics of Synaptic Transmission
- Anatomy of the Synapse
- The Presynaptic Terminal
- Visualizing the Synapse
- Lesson 1 Conclusion
- Lesson 2: Excitation and Inhibition
- Introduction to Lesson 2
- Excitation and Inhibition Overview
- Life of a Neurotransmitter
- EPSPs and IPSPs
- EPSPs in Depth
- Acetylcholine Receptors In Depth
- Excitation Disease States
- Glutamate and Glutamate Receptors
- AMPA and NMDA Receptors
- IPSPs In Depth
- Inhibition Disease States
- Lesson 2 Conclusion
- (Extra!) Tye Lab: Optogenetics
- Lesson 3: Small Circuits
- Introduction to Lesson 3
- Small Circuits Overview
- Information Processing
- Synaptic Efficacy and Distance
- Synaptic Summation
- Synaptic Inhibition
- Synaptic Temporal Summation
- Synaptic Temporal Inhibition
- Convergence and Divergence
- Central Pattern Generators
- Lesson 3 Conclusion
- (Extra!) Connectomics: Discussion with Prof. Jeff Lichtman
- Lesson 4: Neuromodulation
- Introduction to Lesson 4
- What is Neuromodulation?
- Processes of Neuromodulation
- Ionotropic Receptors
- Metabotropic Receptors
- The Serotonin System
- Neuropeptides
- The Dopamine System
- The Cholinergic System
- The Noradrenaline System
- Lesson 4 Conclusion
- (Extra!) Deep Brain Stimulation
- (Extra!) Susan's Brain - The Science of Addiction
- Lesson 5: Neuronal Plasticity
- Introduction to Lesson 5
- Introduction to Plasticity
- Short-Term Plasticity and Adaptation
- LTP and LTD
- Hebb's Rule and Associative Learning
- LTP in Depth
- LTD in Depth
- Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity
- Nonsynaptic Plasticity
- Lesson 5: Conclusion
- (Extra!) MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy
- Final Exam
Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 3: The Brain
- Lesson 1: Vision
- Introduction to Lesson 1
- Lesson 1 Highlights
- The Properties of Vision
- The Nature of Light
- The Eye
- Phototransduction
- The Dress
- Color Vision
- Retinal Processing
- The Retinal Circuit
- The Retinofugal Projection
- The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
- Primary Visual Cortex (V1)
- The Physiology of Area V1
- Visual Pathways
- Lesions of the Visual Cortex
- Review of Pathways and the Binding Problem
- Interactive Diagram: The Eye
- Interactive Diagram: Visual Processing
- (Extra!) Anatomy of the Visual System
- (Extra!) The Poetry of Perception
- (Extra!) Neuroscience of Color
- (Extra!) Neuroscience of Art
- Lesson 2: Audition
- Introduction to Lesson 2
- Lesson 2 Highlights
- The Nature of Sound
- Auditory Anatomy
- Conduction Deafness
- The Inner Ear
- Physiology of the Cochlea
- Frequency Detection
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Subcortical Auditory Pathways
- Auditory Cortex
- Localizing Sound
- Interactive Diagram: Audition
- (Extra!) Anatomy of the Auditory System
- (Extra!) The Poetry of Perception
- (Extra!) Split the lark
- (Extra!) Song of myself
- Lesson 3: Smell, Taste, and the Remaining Senses
- Introduction to Lesson 3
- Lesson 3 Highlights
- Gustation: Receptors
- Gustation: Perception
- Interactive Diagram: Gustation
- Olfaction: Receptors
- Olfactory Pathways
- Interactive Diagram: Olfaction
- Somatosensory Receptors
- Somatosensory Processing
- Interactive Diagram: Somatosensation
- Sensation in the Animal Kingdom
- Super Senses
- (Extra!) Anatomy of the Olfactory System
- (Extra!) Anatomy of the Gustatory System
- (Extra!) Poetry of Perception
- (Extra!) Song of Myself
- (Extra!) I taste a liquor never brewed
- (Extra!) Smell!
- Lesson 4: Movement & Action
- Introduction to Lesson 4
- Lesson 4 Highlights
- Muscles
- Skeletal Muscles
- Lower Motor Neurons
- Intrinsic Spinal Circuits
- Central Pattern Generators
- Brain Control of Movement
- Upper Motor Neurons
- Corticospinal Neurons
- Motor Control Hierarchy
- Lesions of Motor Cortex
- Interactive Diagram: Movement & Action
- (Extra!) Anatomy of the Motor System
- (Extra!) Poetry of Perception
- Lesson 5: Subcortical Brain Areas
- Introduction to Lesson 5
- Lesson 5 Highlights
- The Hindbrain
- The Midbrain
- The Cerebellum
- The Forebrain
- The Basal Ganglia
- The Thalamus
- The Limbic System
- The Hippocampus
- The Hypothalamus
- Interactive Diagram: Subcortical Brain Regions
- Final Exam