
Echo State Networks in Python

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Echo State Networks in Python

Echo State Networks are easy-to-train recurrent neural networks, a variant of Reservoir Computing. In some sense, these networks show how far you can get with nothing but a good weight initialisation.

This ESN implementation is relatively simple and self-contained, though it offers tricks like noise injection and teacher forcing (feedback connections), plus a zoo of dubious little hyperparameters.

However! If your aims are practical and your gradients automatic, consider using a fully trained network.

Modifications From the Original Implementation

  1. Make the ESN readout layer able not to take the input vector.
  2. Fix a bug on min-max rescaling.
  3. Enable the ESN.fit output to return the train error.
  4. Add freq2wav dataset generator as a file (location: dataset/freq2wav.py).



  • freq2wav problem
    1. Plot and explore the dataset.
    2. Hyperparameter exploration with ESNs of reservoir size 200.
    3. Hyperparameter exploration with ESNs of reservoir size 32.