
AWS Lambda telemetry for Java

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IOpipe Telemetry Agent for Java

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This project provides analytics and distributed tracing for event-driven applications running on AWS Lambda using IOpipe.

The JavaDocs for this library are available on JavaDoc.io.

Installation & usage

This documentation mostly refers to using Maven for your project, if you are using Gradle, there is a basic build.gradle available in the examples project.

Using the IOpipe service with your pre-existing and newly created classes is quite simple. If you are using Maven it requires modification of your pom.xml file, otherwise you may include the JAR file of the library to your project.

More information on using Java Lambdas on Amazon AWS can be obtained at: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/java-programming-model.html.

Logging can be enabled by following the instructions at: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/java-logging.html.

In the pom.xml, add the following block to your <dependencies>:


For debugging on Amazon AWS, the additional dependency is required:


If you are using log4j2 in your project then the following transformer must be specified:

    <transformer implementation="com.github.edwgiz.mavenShadePlugin.log4j2CacheTransformer.PluginsCacheFileTransformer" />

It is highly recommended to configure the shade plugin so that it merges service resources together, this will be especially important if you plan to use a number of plugins which may exist across different packages. By default the shade plugin will not merge resources for you and as a result plugins will appear to disappear. As such, add the following transformer to the shade plugin:

    <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />

To create a package which is ready for deployment you may run:

mvn package

If you wish to strip all debugging information in the JAR file including potentially meaningful source lines to stack traces you can run the following command:

pack200 -r -G file.jar

Deployment is the same as other Java programs on the Amazon Lambda platform.


There are three ways to use the service:

  • If you are currently implementing RequestHandler, implement com.iopipe.SimpleRequestHandlerWrapper
  • If you are currently implementing RequestStreamHandler, implement com.iopipe.SimpleRequestStreamHandlerWrapper
  • You may also interact with IOpipe directly

Implement com.iopipe.SimpleRequestHandlerWrapper.

This class provides an implementation of RequestHandler<I, O>.

Add the following import statement:

import com.iopipe.IOpipeExecution;
import com.iopipe.SimpleRequestHandlerWrapper;

Add a class which extends:

SimpleRequestHandlerWrapper<I, O>

Implement the following method:

protected O wrappedHandleRequest(IOpipeExecution __exec, I __input)

Implement com.iopipe.SimpleRequestStreamHandlerWrapper.

This class provides an implementation of RequestStreamHandler.

Add the following import statements:

import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.Context;
import com.iopipe.IOpipeExecution;
import com.iopipe.SimpleRequestStreamHandlerWrapper;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;

Add a class which extends:


Implement the following method:

protected void wrappedHandleRequest(IOpipeExecution __exec, InputStream __in, OutputStream __out) throws IOException

Using the service directly.

This may be used with any request handler such as RequestHandler or RequestStreamHandler, although it is not limited to those interfaces.

Add the following import statements:

import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.Context;
import com.iopipe.IOpipeService;

Obtain an instance of IOpipeService:

IOpipeService service = IOpipeService.instance();

Run by passing a lambda or a class which implements the functional interface Function<IOpipeExecution, R>, an input object may be specified which is usable by plugins that require it:

service.<String>run(context, (exec) -> "Hello World!");
service.<String>run(context, (exec) -> "Hello World!", input);

Accessing the AWS Context Object

The AWS Context object may be obtained by invoking context() on the IOpipeExecution instance. For example:

protected final String wrappedHandleRequest(IOpipeExecution __exec, String __n)
    // Code here...
    Context context = __exec.context();
    // Code here...

Setting system properties and environment variables

Set up IOpipe using system properties or environment variables. N.B., it is necessary to use environment variables for running on AWS Lambda. System properties will take precedence when available.

  • com.iopipe.enabled or IOPIPE_ENABLED
    • If this is set and if the value is true (ignoring case) then the library will be enabled.
    • If this is set to false.
    • If this is not set then internally it is treated as being true.
  • com.iopipe.installmethod or IOPIPE_INSTALL_METHOD
  • com.iopipe.timeoutwindow or IOPIPE_TIMEOUT_WINDOW
    • This time is subtracted from the duration that a lambda may operate on the service.
    • If this is zero then the window is disabled.
    • If this is not set then it defaults to 150.
  • com.iopipe.token, IOPIPE_TOKEN
    • This represents the token of the IOpipe collector which is to obtain statistics.
    • This is the default token which will be used if no token was specified in the client.
    • If you need help looking for your token you can visit: Find your project token.
  • com.iopipe.plugin.<name> or IOPIPE_<NAME>_ENABLED
    • If set to true then the specified plugin will be enabled.
    • If set to false then the plugin will be disabled.
    • If this is not set for a plugin then it will use the setting from the plugin if it should be enabled by default or not.

IOpipe uses tinylog for its internal logging, to make debug output from IOpipe easier to see tinylog can be configured using the following information located at:

The associated package is com.iopipe.

Custom Metrics

To use custom metrics, you can simply call the following two methods in the IOpipeExecution instance:

customMetric(String name, String value)
customMetric(String name, long value)

Calling either of these will add a custom metric with the specified name and the given value. Custom metric names are limited to 128 characters.

Event Info

This plugin records input event types and includes in the report the origin of certain events.

It operates on the given input classes:

  • com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent
  • com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.CloudFrontEvent
  • com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.KinesisEvent
  • com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.KinesisFirehoseEvent
  • com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.S3Event
  • com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.ScheduledEvent
  • com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.SNSEvent
  • com.amazonaws.services.s3.event.S3EventNotification

By default this plugin is enabled and requires no changes to your code unless you are using IOpipe via the manual method. To disable the plugin you may set the environment variable IOPIPE_EVENT_INFO_ENABLED to false.

If you are manually using IOpipe via the IOpipeService instance then you will need to pass the input object for the plugin to see that object:

service.<String>run(context, (exec) -> "Hello World!", input);


Labels allow you to add tags to invocations at run-time as needed. They can be added by calling the following method in the IOpipeExecution instance:

label(String name)

Label names are limited to 128 characters.


Information and usage on the profiler is contained within the following document:


The tracing plugin is enabled by default and allows one to measure the performance of operations within a single execution of a method. Since the trace plugin will often be used, there are utility methods to make using it very simple.

Import the following classes:

import com.iopipe.plugin.trace.TraceMeasurement;
import com.iopipe.plugin.trace.TraceUtils;

Marks and measurements can be made by calling:

TraceUtils.measure(IOpipeExecution execution, String __name)

TraceMeasurement can be used with try-with-resources like the following:

try (TraceMeasurement m = TraceUtils.measurement(execution, "watchthis"))
    // Perform a lengthy operation

or it may be used without try-with-resources and manually closed.

If the plugin is not enabled then the measurement will not record anything.

Disabling the plugin can be done as followed:

  • Setting the system property com.iopipe.plugin.trace to false.
  • Setting the environment variable IOPIPE_TRACE_ENABLED to false.

Building and Installing the Project Locally

This project requires at least Java 8 to run and additionally required Maven to build.

Compile the project:

mvn compile

Compile JAR package:

mvn package

Run tests:

mvn test

Clean build:

mvn clean

Install the project into your own Maven repository:

mvn install

Generate Maven informational pages:

mvn site

generate JavaDoc:

mvn javadoc:javadoc


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