David Jung's Emacs Confiuration.
The main change from the last version.
- Introduced straight.el and use-package combo.
WSL 2 + Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) + X Server (Xming, VcXsrv, GWSL, MobaXterm, X410)
macOS 11.7 (Big Sur)
- Upgrade Emacs to 29.1 and tune the overall configuration
- Fix eshell-mode-hook to work
- Fix realtime-Markdown-preview to work
- Moderate vterm faces or change the theme
- Don't let vterm head to the bottom line automatically
- Fix Eglot to behave good in C++
- Let vterm follow along the current directory
- Fix C-x C-b to locate previous buffer at the top
- Fix conda environment from being disabled sometimes in eshell
- Fix Eglot not to switch to base environment when python files connect to Eglot
- Add sticky function name
- Transfer global-set-key -> local-set-key for some pakcages
- Make Helm child frame be on some managed candidate positions