Basic settings about conda, jupyter, tensorflow, or other settings.
Following scripts are applicable on Anaconda Distribution Version 5.3 | Release Date: September 28, 2018.
conda 4.5.11
comes with the Anaconda distribution.
- See environments list
conda info --envs
- Create new environments
- Python 3.6,
conda create --name py36 python=3.6 [other packages]
- Python 2.7,
conda create --name py27 python=2.7 [other packages]
- Python 3.6,
- Create new environments with ipykernel (Recommended)
conda create -n py35 python=3.5 ipykernel
- Consider following packages when above command is used:
- (Basic)
conda install numpy
conda install pandas
conda install scikit-learn
(scipy will be installed)conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
- (Deep learning)
- tensorflow See install guide
- pytorch See install guide
- (Network) networkx
- (Basic)
[Note] Since jupyter lab
is launched, nb_conda_kernel
should be installed to load the kernels in other environments. Do the following command in the base environment.
[Deprecated]conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels
conda install nb_conda_kernels
If ipykernel
is installed in other environments, we can load the ipykernel
in main jupyter-notebook
. It is unnecessary to install jupyter-notebook
or other packages for jupyter-notebook
[Note] If a following error appears,
undefined symbol: zmq_curve_public
Reinstall pyzmq
and zmq
$ pip install pyzmq
$ pip install pyzmp --upgrade
Then, it should be able to load other kernels. See issue.
- Switch environments
source activate py36
source deactivate
- Path of kernels
[Note] If a package is NOT installed in an active environment but the conda-root, the package is not imported.
For example, numpy
is only installed in the conda-root
. (not installed in py35
source activate py36
import numpy
ImportError: No module named 'numpy'
- Set up password-less SSH login
- Easier to login
Let's begin.
On local machine, create an authentication key-pair if you don't have one. Don't enter the passphrase if you don't want to use it
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f id_rsa
Add your key to local authentication agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Copy your key from local machine to the server
scp ~/.ssh/ {**SERVER**}:~
On the server, Add your key to the list of authorized keys
cd ~/.ssh cat ~/ >> authorized_keys2 rm ~/