Leveraging Crowdsourced GPS Data for Road Extraction from Aerial Imagery

The source code of CVPR 2019 paper "Leveraging Crowdsourced GPS Data for Road Extraction from Aerial Imagery"


python train.py \
	--model "dlink34" \
	--sat_dir "dataset/train_val/image" \
	--mask_dir "dataset/train_val/mask"\
	--gps_dir "dataset/GPS/patch" \
	--gps_type "data"


Our dataset is avaliable upon request. Please contact via: suntao [AT] tongji.edu.cn

Dataset Description

  • train_val/
    • image/: contains 278 satellite images (x_y_sat.png )
    • mask/: contains 278 mask images (x_y_mask.png )
  • test/
    • image/: contains 70 satellite images (x_y_sat.png )
    • mask/: contains 70 mask images (x_y_mask.png )
  • GPS/
    • beijing_gps_dir_speed_interval_sorted.pkl: The pickle file storing all raw GPS records
    • patch/: contains 348 GPS patch files (x_y_gps.pkl). Each stores the GPS records located in the area of input image x_y_sat.png
  • coordinate/: contains x_y_coor.txt (WGS format) and x_y_coor2.txt (GCJ format) files

Each input image image/x_y_sat.png is a RGB satellite image of 1024 $\times$ 1024 pixel size. Its corresponding GPS data is stored in file /GPS/patch/x_y_gps.pkl, and corresponding mask image is mask/x_y_mask.png.

Unfortunately, we haven't got the permission to publish the satellite images due to the license of the data provider. However, we provide all the GPS coordinates of each satellite image (avaliable in WSG and GCJ format) in /coordinate/. You might apply for the access and download these images from Amap (高德地图) or DigitalGlobe referencing the coordinates.

GPS Data

The GPS dataset contains ~50m rows of GPS record collected from ~28k vehicles in Beijing.

To save the loading time, we publish the dataset in Python's Pickle format, which can be directly loaded like:

import pandas
import pickle
gps_data = pickle.load(open('beijing_gps_dir_speed_interval_sorted.pkl', 'rb'))

Here are first lines of this file:

ID time lat lon dir speed timeinterval
0 0 1228061046 39.71743 116.61815 0 0 NaN
1 0 1228088457 39.71742 116.61798 0 0 177.5
2 0 1228088520 39.71670 116.61420 159 0 150.5
3 0 1228088758 39.71742 116.61798 0 0 272.5
4 0 1228090926 39.71670 116.61428 0 0 354.5
5 0 1228091249 39.73902 116.60902 12 308 318.0
6 0 1228091562 39.73770 116.56821 267 1080 264.0

Definition of columns:

  • ID: Vehical ID (integer)
  • time: Timestamp (UNIX format, in second)
  • lat: Latitude (in degree)
  • lon: Lontitude (in degree)
  • dir: Heading (in degree, 0 means the vehical is heading north or isn't moving)
  • speed: Speed (in meter per minute)
  • timeinterval: The time interval between two records (in second)

The lat/lon are in the WGS System. The data table is sorted by ID and then by time.



This dataset is published under CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) License . Please note that it can be ONLY used for academic or scientific purpose.


We kindly remind you that if found the code or dataset is useful for your research, please cite our paper.

Sun, Tao, Zonglin Di, Pengyu Che, Chun Liu, and Yin Wang. 
"Leveraging Crowdsourced GPS Data for Road Extraction From Aerial Imagery" 
In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 7509-7518. 2019.