
Task: • Find Day difference between Order and Ship Date • Find Average days took to deliver product by each vendor ( Table and Chart) • Find Total Sales & Contribution by Ship Mode, • Find Sales done by Person ( Table and Chart) • Top 5 Subcategory by Total Sales ( Table and Chart ) • Show Category , and segment wise sales in cross tabulated format • Add Slicer for Year and Month and Connect to all available pivot

So, on this analysis of data process we can observe the most users perferred shipmode is Standard Class as because based on the shipmode the cost varies. And based on the month and year the sales of things were changing.

Metion Tools and Technique used in this project

  • In this project I have used Excel and Power Query Tools and initially connected all the sheets which are in New Orders Data file and then based on the connected data performed operations on the data using power query and after the data pre processed, used the PIVOT TABLE and performed data analysis and generated the report.

So, the used tools and techniques are: