
A PyTorch implementation of the paper Generative Adversarial Text-to-Image Synthesis

Primary LanguagePython

Text to Image Synthesis using Skip-thought Vectors

The code for this model has not been tested because of time constraints. All the steps have been given below to train/test the model. Feel free to create a pull request if anyone is interested in testing this model.


This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper Generative Adversarial Text-to-Image Synthesis [http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.05396] using skip thought vectors for caption embedding. This implementation is based on DCGAN. Below is the model architecture where blue bars represent skip thought vector for the captions.

[Figure] Image Source : Paper

Setup and Installments

  • Python==3.6.6
  • PyTorch==0.4.0
  • TorchVision==0.2.1
  • Theano


  • This model can be trained on the flowers dataset. Download flower dataset from here[] and save the images in Data folder as Data/flowers.
  • Now download the corresponding captions from here[]. After extracting, copy the text_c10 folder and paste it in Data folder as Data/text_c10.

Skip-Thought Model

  • Download the pretrained models and vocabulary for skip thought vectors as per the instructions given below. Save the downloaded files in Data/skipthoughts.

  • Some of the files are quite large(>2GB). So make sure there is enough space available.

  • Run below code to download skip thought model and all other required files python download_skipthought.py


  • Data Pre-processing :
$ python data_loader.py
  • Training Arguments:
    dataset : Dataset used. Default = flowers
    batch_size : Batch Size. Default = 1
    num_epochs : NUmber of epochs to train. Default = 200
    img_size : Size of the image. Default = 64
    z_dim : Latent variable dimension. Default = 100
    text_embedding_dim : Embedding dim of caption. Default = 4800
    reduced_text_dim : Reduced embedding dim of caption. Default = 1024
    learning_rate : Learning Rate. Default = 0.0002
    beta1 : Hyperparameter of the Adam optimizer. Default = 0.5
    beta2 : Hyperparameter of the Adam optimizer. Default = 0.999
    l1_coeff : Coefficient for the L1 Loss. Default = 50
    resume_epoch : Resume epoch to resume training. Default = 1
  • Train the model by running below code
     $ python main.py
  • Testing model by giving custom input text
     $ python predict.py --text="Input caption to be used to generate the image"
    The generated image will be save to text directory inside Data folder as Data/Testing

Model key-points

  • Skip Thought is an efficient model used for sentence embedding and is based on the concept of word embedding (word2vec or Glove). It returns a numpy array of dimension 4800 in which the first 2400 dimensions is the uni-skip model and the last 2400 dimensions is the bi-skip model. We use the combine -skip vectors as experimentally, they perform the best.

  • Text2Image model is a Generarive Adversarial Network based model which is built on top of the DCGAN. It consists of a Discriminator network and a Generator network.

  • Discriminator network not only classifies the images generated by the generate as a fake image but also those real images which do not correspond to the correct caption. In short, fake examples are categorized by following : Fake Image + Correct Caption False Image(Real Image) + Incorrect Caption

  • Images are 64 x 64 in dimension

Generated Images

Following are some of the images generated by this model [A table of few 5-6 images along with their captions]


Implementation of the same using an autoencoder for sentence embedding

