
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT contributions welcome 



  • Go Language

    • How to Install Go in Linux machine
    • Create Your First Go Lang Project
    • Comparing Datastructures GoLang and Python
  • Git

    • Git Commit, Tree, Blob
    • Push code to git server
    • Difference between HEAD and heads in git
    • Difference between git push and git fetch
    • How to solve git conflicts in terminal
    • How to do branch to branch merge
    • Disable push towards the remote master branch
    • How do you squash last N commit into single commit
  • Docker

    • Docker Internals
    • What is namespace and cgroup
    • Difference between Docker Save and Export
    • Docker Networking
    • Docker Volume
  • Jenkins

    • What is the environmental varibale in which Jenkins Configuration and runtime data contains
    • Jenkins Environmental variables
    • How to secure Jenkins
    • How to move Jenkins from one server to another server
  • AzureDevOps

    • How to check the pod status from the pipeline
    • How to create a custom build agent
    • How to use environmnets in the azure pipline
    • How to use secret file in azure pipeline
  • SonarQube

  • Linux

    • What is Privilihed Ports in Linux
    • What is Inode
    • Difference between Hardlink and Softlink
    • Command to create softlink
    • Maximum number of process in Linux
    • How do you get the count of open file descriptor for a process
    • What is the value returned tp the parent process if the fork() system call is executed
    • What is Collectd Tool
    • What is the responsibilty of file under root file system.
    • Which linux command is used to change the server bootup
    • How to create a crontab entry
    • What is the command to see the last exit code
    • Different type of FAT File System
    • Which Tool is used in linux to troubleshoot network issue
  • Python

    • Calling Script with Parameter
    • Working with files and directories
    • Logging the Script (Creating Log file,Formating the output,Datestamp)
    • Creating Helper files
    • Working with Number and Strings (sort,reverse)
    • What is Python Comprehenisons
    • Difference between iterators and generators and what is yeild
    • What is Lambda function
    • How to add two hashtables
    • How to run linux/windows commands in Python Script.
    • What is init() method in python
    • What is superclass in python
    • What is Self in python class
    • What is Abstrat Class in python
    • Difference between Python 2 and Python 3
    • Range and xRange
    • Read a file and count the words init
    • Multiple inheritance
    • Break, Continue , Pass
    • Revese Index
    • Different types of inheritance
    • Packages and libraries
    • Magic Methods in python
    • Set, frozenset. hash
    • Difference between class attributes and properties Can you explain the difference between a list and a tuple in Python?

Can you demonstrate how you would use the map(), reduce(), and filter() functions in Python?

What is the purpose of the “with” statement in Python?

Can you explain the use of generators in Python and give an example?

What is the difference between a shallow and a deep copy in Python?

Can you demonstrate how to use decorators in Python and give an example?

Can you explain the use of the *args and **kwargs syntax in Python?

Can you explain how you would handle a large dataset in Python and what data structures you would use to store it?

Can you explain how you would implement a binary search algorithm in Python?

What is your experience with Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib?

Can you explain how you would use multithreading in Python?

Can you explain how you would handle exceptions in Python and give an example of when you would raise an exception?

Can you explain how you would use regular expressions in Python and give an example?

  • Kubernetes
    • Explain ControlPlane components and Ports
    • Different method to schedule a pod to Node
    • Difference between Node Affinity and Node Selector
    • What is the role of kube-proxy and kubelet in worker node
    • Pause container
    • Init containers
    • Differnce between Daemonset and static pod
    • Differnce between Side car Vs Ambassador Vs Adaptor
    • How the communication happens in istio
    • Difference between Liveness and Readiness Probe
    • Version support between kubeapi server, kubelet and other components
    • What is emptyDir
    • When secrets as volume mapped how the secret will be available to the container
    • Explain operator and CRD
    • Kubernetes release cycle
    • What is Endpoint kind in kubernetes
    • What is port forwarding in Kubernetes
    • Certificate rotation in kubernetes
    • Difference between deployment and statefullset and when we will use statefullset.
    • Deployment strategies in kubernetes
    • How will we implement blue green deployment, canary or dark release with kubernetes
    • What is Horizontal pod autoscaling(HPA)
    • Monitoring in kubernetes (Prometheus, Matrix server)
    • what are Expoters in kubernetes ,name some of it.
    • Difference between Service Mesh and API Gateway
    • TLS implemetation with istio
    • Secrets are just encoded, so how can we do this in secure way.
    • Cluster to cluster communication
    • Kubernetes how many times try restart by default, can we control this behaviour.
    • How many pods we can create in k8 nodes
    • What is headless service and when to use it


Copyright © 2020, Sunish Surendran Kannembath. Released under the MIT License.