
A Python-based copy number variation simulator

Primary LanguagePython


A Python-based whole-genome haplotype-resolution copy number variation simulator.

Download the CNV-simulator

    git clone https://github.com/sunjh22/CNV-simulator.git
    cd CNV-simulator

Download ART_illumina and put it into environment path.

    wget -O art.tgz https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/assets/docs/artbingreatsmokymountains04.17.16linux64.tgz
    tar -xvzf art.tgz -C ART/
    echo "export PATH=PATH:~/ART/art_bin_GreatSmokyMountains" >> .bashrc
    source .bashrc


Note: Following reference genome must be from UCSC.

CNV-simulator has three modes:

  1. No input CNV list is provided, CNV-simulator will generate one and simulate CNVs based on it.

     ./cnv_simulator.py -o /path/to/store/simulated/data -a prefix_of_sample -c desired_coverage reference_genome resource/access-excludes.hg38.analysisSet.bed
  2. An input CNV list is provided in the bed format with four columns: chrom start end cn, CNV-simulator directly simulate CNVs based on it.

     ./cnv_simulator.py -o /path/to/store/simulated/data -a prefix_of_sample -i /path/to/a/cnv/list/file -c desired_coverage reference_genome resource/access-excludes.hg38.analysisSet.bed
  3. An input CNV list is provided as in mode 2, but users want to simulate new CNVs on top of the existed ones.

     ./cnv_simulator.py -o /path/to/store/simulated/data -a prefix_of_sample -i /path/to/a/cnv/list/file -A True -c desired_coverage reference_genome resource/access-excludes.hg38.analysisSet.bed

Users could specify the number of CNVs to be simulated (-n), minimum (-b), maximum (-B) and lambda (-e) of CNV length, lambda is the parameter of exponential distribution that CNV length follows.


Usage: cnv_simulator [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-a PREFIX] [-l READ_LENGTH]
                 [-i CNV_LIST] [-A APPEND_LIST] [-c COVERAGE]
                 [-n CNV_NUMBER] [-b CNV_MINIMUM_LENGTH]
                 [-B CNV_MAXIMUM_LENGTH] [-e CNV_EXPO_SCALE]
                 [-p AMPLIFY_PROP]
                 genome access

Simulate whole-genome level haplotype-resolved CNVs and generate NGS reads

Positional arguments:
genome                reference genome file in fasta format
access                genomic accessible region file

Optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         Show program's version number and exit.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        a name to be used to create the output directory
                        (overrides existing directory with the same name).
                        (default: tmp_simulaiton)
-a PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        prefix of simulated genome and fastq files (default:
-l READ_LENGTH, --read_length READ_LENGTH
                        read length (bp) (default: 150)
-i CNV_LIST, --cnv_list CNV_LIST
                        path to a CNV list file in BED format chr | start |
                        end | cn. If not passed, it is randomly generated
                        using CNV list parameters below (default: None)
                        generate some new CNVs and append them into the user-
                        provided CNV list (default: False)
-c COVERAGE, --coverage COVERAGE
                        coverage for reads simulation (default: 1)

CNV list parameters:
parameters to be used to generate CNV list if CNV list is not passed

-n CNV_NUMBER, --cnv_number CNV_NUMBER
                        the number of CNVs to be simulated (default: 200)
                        minimum length of each CNV region (default: 5000)
                        maximum length of each CNV region (default: 2000000)
-e CNV_EXPO_SCALE, --cnv_expo_scale CNV_EXPO_SCALE
                        scale of a exponential distribution for simulating the
                        length of CNV (default: 200000)
-p AMPLIFY_PROP, --amplify_prop AMPLIFY_PROP
                        percentage of amplifications in range [0.0: 1.0].
                        (default: 0.5)