
django-admin-interface is a customizable responsive admin interface, based on a modern flat theme, it lets you customize the admin title, logo and colors by the admin itself.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

#django-admin-interface django-admin-interface is a modern responsive flat admin interface customizable by the admin itself.

You can use the builtin django-theme or create your own and customize title, logo and colors.


  • Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.4
  • Django 1.6.5 through Django 1.10


  • Run pip install django-admin-interface
  • Add admin_interface, flat_responsive, flat and colorfield to settings.INSTALLED_APPS before django.contrib.admin
    'flat', #if django version < 1.9
  • Run python manage.py migrate (add --fake-initial if you are upgrading from 0.1.0 version)
  • Run python manage.py collectstatic
  • Restart your application server

##Screenshots ######Admin login django-admin-interface_login

######Admin dashboard django-admin-interface_dashboard

######Admin themes management django-admin-interface_themes_management

######Admin theme customization django-admin-interface_theme_customization


##License Released under MIT License.