
Eddy evolves to educate

Primary LanguageElixir


TODO: To boldly develop whatever comes to mind and having no targets

An elixir and phoenix application:

  • fork tag v0.1 to have a starter app that handles identity based Authentication & integrates with oAuth providers: Google, Facebook & Github
  • adding other oAuth providers is trivial, due to the excellent ueberauth package

To start your Phoenix app:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Install Node.js dependencies with npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server
  • Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

oAuth client id's and secrets should be added to your env. in .bashrc

  • export FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID="123"
  • export FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET="123saf"
  • export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID="adsf"
  • export GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET="asf"
  • export GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID="saf"
  • export GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET="adsf"