
It shows how to generate a *.pb file with Tensorflow and how to use the *.pb file in an OpenCV application.

Primary LanguagePython

Screen Shot


Programming Environments

  • Windows 10 x64
  • Visual Studio 2017 (15.9.x)
  • OpenCV 4.0.0 (%OPENCV_DIR% should be set, e.g. C:\opencv\build)
  • Python 3.6 (Anaconda3 5.1.0)
  • Tensorflow 1.12.0

How to Run

  1. Run python mnist_cnn.py in a command window. mnist_cnn.pb file will be created.
  2. Open ./dnnmnist/dnnmnist.sln file with Visual Studio 2017
  3. Build the dnnmnist solution as Release mode.
  4. Copy ./dnnmnist/x64/Release/dnnmnist.exe file to ./dnnmnist/ folder
  5. Run ./dnnmnist/dnnmnist.exe!! (dnnmnist.exe looks for mnist_cnn.pb file in the parent folder)

For Linux users

  • A Makefile is added to ./dnnmnist folder, so you can build ./dnnmnist/dnnmnist executable file with make command.
  • Tensorflow and OpenCV 4.0.0 (or above) are required.