Functional connectome through the human life span

First revision date: 15/09/2023

Second revision date: 30/05/2024


This repository provides code and source data that support the findings of the article entitled "Functional connectome through the human life span" by Sun et al. (2023) bioRxiv.


  • Growth_curve_global_mean_of_FC.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the global mean of functional connectome
  • Growth_curve_global_variance_of_FC.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the global variance of functional connectome
  • Growth_curve_global_atlas_similarity.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the global atlas similarity (individual level)
  • Growth_curve_global_system_segregation.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the global system segregation
  • Growth_curve_VIS_system_segregation.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the system segregation of VIS network
  • Growth_curve_SM_system_segregation.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the system segregation of SM network
  • Growth_curve_DA_system_segregation.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the system segregation of DA network
  • Growth_curve_VA_system_segregation.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the system segregation of VA network
  • Growth_curve_LIM_system_segregation.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the system segregation of LIM network
  • Growth_curve_FP_system_segregation.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the system segregation of FP network
  • Growth_curve_DM_system_segregation.mat
    • The lifespan normative growth curve of the system segregation of DM network  
  • Lifespan_growth_axis.fs4.L(R).func.gii
    • The lifespan growth axis (in fsaverage4 space) of brain functional connectivity, represented by the first principal component from a PCA on vertex-level FCS curves.
  • Lifespan_growth_axis.fsLR32k.L(R).func.gii
    • The lifespan growth axis in fs_LR_32k space, ressampled from Lifespan_growth_axis.fs4.L(R).func.gii
  • S-A_axis.fsLR32k.L(R).func.gii
    • The sensorimotor-association axis (in fs_LR_32k space), as formulated by Sydnor et al. [ Sydnor, V.J., et al. Neurodevelopment of the association cortices: Patterns, mechanisms, and implications for psychopathology. Neuron (2021) ]
  • S-A_axis.fs4.L(R).func.gii
    • The sensorimotor-association axis in fsaverage4 space, ressampled from S-A_axis.fsLR32k.L(R).func.gii


Age-specific Group Atlas

Atlas Age Range Atlas file in fsaverage4 space Atlas file in fs_LR_32k space
34-week atlas 32-35 postmenstrual weeks Atlas1_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas1_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
36-week atlas 35-37 postmenstrual weeks Atlas2_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas2_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
38-week atlas 37-39 postmenstrual weeks Atlas3_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas3_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
40-week (0-month) atlas 39-41 postmenstrual weeks Atlas4_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas4_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
1-month atlas 0.25-1.5 months Atlas5_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas5_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
3-month atlas 1.5-4.5 months Atlas6_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas6_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
6-month atlas 4.5-7.5 months Atlas7_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas7_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
9-month atlas 7.5-10.5 months Atlas8_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas8_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
12-month atlas 10.5-13.5 months Atlas9_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas9_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
18-month atlas 13.5-21 months Atlas10_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas10_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
24-month atlas 21-27 months Atlas11_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas11_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
4-year atlas 2.25-5 years Atlas12_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas12_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
6-year atlas 5-7 years Atlas13_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas13_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
8-year atlas 7-9 years Atlas14_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas14_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
10-year atlas 9-11 years Atlas15_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas15_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
12-year atlas 11-13 years Atlas16_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas16_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
14-year atlas 13-15 years Atlas17_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas17_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
16-year atlas 15-17 years Atlas18_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas18_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
18-year atlas 17-19 years Atlas19_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas19_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
20-year atlas 19-21 years Atlas20_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas20_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
30-year atlas 25-35 years Atlas21_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas21_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
40-year atlas 35-45 years Atlas22_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas22_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
50-year atlas 45-55 years Atlas23_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas23_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
60-year atlas 55-65 years Atlas24_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas24_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
70-year atlas 65-75 years Atlas25_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas25_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii
80-year atlas 75-80 years Atlas26_fs4_L(R).label.gii Atlas26_fsLR32k_L(R).label.gii



Quality control for raw images

Data preprocessing

Data postprocessing


  • Atlas_Construction
    • Preparation Information for subjects: data paths, age information, age-specific individual variability map, and age-specific tSNR map.
  • Adult-based group atlas
  • Atlas_Generation.m
    • To establish a series of age-specific group-level atlases with accurate system correspondences over the lifespan, we proposed a Gaussian-weighted iterative age-specific group atlas (GIAGA) generation approach. For detailed information, please refer to
    • Before running this code, you need to prepare at least one set of individual BOLD data in the fsaverage4 space.


  • fun_Run_IndiPara_for_Each_Indi.m
    • Using the individualized parcellation method proposed by Wang et al. [ Wang, D., et al. Parcellating cortical functional networks in individuals. Nature Neuroscience 18, 1853-1860 (2015) ], we generate person-specific parcellation atlas for each individual.
    • Before running this code, you need to prepare at least one set of individual BOLD data in the fsaverage4 space.


  • GAMLSS_model_fitting.ipynb
  • data.csv
    • The data to be loaded when running GAMLSS_model_fitting.ipynb
  • Model_global system segregation.RData
    • Precomputed model



  • Essential libraries required for running the code