
My local settings.

Primary LanguagePython

My .home.sl direcotry

This is my .home.sl directory, it containts my Emcas and vim configurations.

The configurations are maintained as git subtrees, follow repos are included,

.emacs.spacemacsin using
SpaceVimin using
Oh My Zshin using

Install and config

.emacs.spacemacs for Emacs

The .emcas.spacemacs is included in this repo. Please refer the emacs.spacemacs/README.org

The SpaceVim distribution https://spacevim.org/

The SpaceVim can be installed via

curl -sLf https://spacevim.org/install.sh | bash

Then make a link for .vimrc.local

ln -s ~/.home.sl/vim.sl/.vimrc.local ~/.vimrc.local

Upgrade with one of follow step:

  • git -C ~/.SpaceVim pull.```
  • Add automatic_update = 1 to your custom configuration file, or
  • Use :SPUpdate SpaceVim in SpaceVim buffer.

For more information, please refer the https://spacevim.org/. NOTE: vimproc didn’t build automatically, run follow command to build it: make -C ~/.SpaceVim/bundle/vimproc.vim/

Oh My Zsh

Follow the https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh to setup the Oh My Zsh utils:

sudo yum install zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

And change the key binding to familiar behavior:

bindkey \^u backward-kill-line  # change zsh to follow bash behavior

Misc tools

Please refer the ./tools/Readme.org for details.

Update or upgrade

git -C ~/.home.sl/ pull

Misc note for usage


In .bashrc of WSL2 env export DISPLAY=”$(route -4 |awk ’172 {print $1”1:0”}’)”

WSL start emacs daemon from windows shortcut

wsl.exe -u sunlin7 -e bin/bash -lc “PATH=~.root/bin:$PATH emacs –daemon –display=”