Inspector tool for Emacs Lisp objects.
Similar to inspectors available for Smalltalk and Common Lisp, but for Emacs Lisp.
This package is available from ELPA.
M-x package-install RET inspector RET
M-x inspector-inspect-expression
to evaluate an elisp expression and inspect the result.M-x inspector-inspect-last-sexp
to evaluate last sexp in current buffer and inspect the result.
Or add the following to your config:
(define-key global-map [remap eval-last-sexp] #'inspector-eval-last-sexp)
(define-key global-map [remap eval-expression] #'inspector-eval-expression)
and then use C-u C-x C-e
and C-u M-:
as alternatives to
and eval-expression
M-x inspector-pop
bound to letterl
, to navigate to previous object.M-x inspector-quit
bound to letterq
, to exit the inspector.
Also, M-x forward-button
and M-x backward-button
are conveniently bound to n
and p
They can be used for fast navigation across the buttons that the inspector displays.
Finally, you can use M-x eval-expression
bound to letter e
, to evaluate an elisp expression using the object currently being inspected (it is bound to *
When on an Emacs debugging backtrace, press letter i
to inspect the pointed frame and its local variables.
When on edebug-mode, use C-c C-i
for inspecting expressions in the debugger.
An inspector tool for Emacs Lisp objects that uses a tree view.
Works together with the "normal" inspector when it is loaded; when an object label is clicked on the tree, an inspector is opened on that object.
(require 'tree-inspector)
to load.
Then start the inspector with either M-x tree-inspector-inspect-expression
or M-x tree-inspector-inspect-last-sexp
- Add this to your config file
;; Add evil keybindings to inspector-mode
(defun inspector--set-evil-key-binding ()
"Set evil keybindings for inspector-mode if in Evil mode."
(when (bound-and-true-p evil-mode)
(evil-define-key 'normal inspector-mode-map
"q" #'inspector-quit
"l" #'inspector-pop
"e" #'eval-expression
"n" #'forward-button
"p" #'backward-button
"P" #'inspector-pprint-inspected-object)))
(add-hook 'inspector-mode-hook #'inspector--set-evil-key-binding)