
Load various ietf documents

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


IETF documentation fetcher, cacher, viewer.

This package adds an interactive function ietf-docs-open-at-point which can be bound to a key. When the function is invoked it will look at the text around the point and if it is an ietf document name (e.g., RFC-791, RFC 2992, draft-ietf-isis-ipv6, ...) it will then fetch the file (if it has not done so already), and load it into a new buffer.

A useful binding might be C-c i o:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c i o") 'ietf-docs-open-at-point)

There are a couple customizable variables, the most import of which is ietf-docs-cache-directory. This is where the fetched documents will be cached and loaded from. The default value is ~/ietf-docs-cache.