
Typescript with Vuex and AWS deployment template

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Typescript, VueJS (with Vuex) and Postgres example

Software requirements

  • Docker


  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Nginx
  • Postgres (9.6)
  • Node (7.5+)
  • Typescript (2.8.3+)
  • Express (4.15.3+)
  • VueJS (2.5.13+)
  • Vuex (3.0.1+)
  • Webpack (2.7.0+)

This template demonstrates a Typescript stack which is also easily deployable to Amazons AWS. Running inside a multi container Docker environment, there's basically four parts to the application.

Application architecture


  • The API of the application which is served via Express. Folder /server.


  • The front-end of the application which is served via the http-server. Folder /web.


  • Serves as a reverse proxy to route requests to either the API or the Front-end. Folder /proxy.


  • Serves as the test, local and production database. Is fully managed locally with Docker.

How do I get the application running locally?

Step 1 - installing the API

Set up the API by going to your terminal and to the folder /server. Then execute the following commands:

  npm install
  npm run compile

Step 2 - installing the front-end

Set up the front-end by going to your terminal and to the folder /web. Then execute the following commands:

  npm install
  npm run webpack

Step 3 - running the application

To start the application, use your terminal and go to the root folder. Then execute this command, which will basically set up the entire application structure (see https://github.com/sunmer/typescript-vuejs-aws-template#application-architecture). Both the API and Front-end hot reload code when run locally.

  docker-compose up

Step 4 - verify that the application is up and running

Open your favorite browser and go to http://localhost. You should see a blank page with a form for creating users.

Step 5 - run the API integration tests

Use your terminal and go to the root folder. Execute the following commands:

  docker-compose run --rm server npm run integration-coverage
  docker-compose run --rm server npm run unit-test

Step 6 - Amazon Elastic Beanstalk deployment

This project is configured to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk and the AWS Elastic Container service.

Make sure that you have a AWS account setup on your local computer. Also make sure that you have the Elastic Beanstalk CLI tool installed. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/eb-cli3-install.html Then go to the root folder and execute the following commands:

  eb init
  eb deploy

Most of the API code has been shamelessly forked from https://github.com/lhenriquegomescamilo/template-server-nodejs