
Create animated gif screencasts.

Primary LanguageRuby


A commandline tool to convert SCREENCAST.mov into ANIMATED.gif

Here's what happens when you apply it to demo.mov


screengif.rb - Convert your screencast into a gif.
	screengif.rb [options] [--input FILENAME.mov] [--output OUTPUTFILE.gif]
	./screengif.rb --input demo.mov --output out.gif
	cat somefile.gif | ./screengif.rb --progressbar --framerate 10 --delay 50 --delay-last 5 > out.gif

Specific options:
    -i, --input FILENAME.mov         Use ffmpeg to convert FILENAME.mov into PPM image stream and process results.
                                     If missing, will process PPM or GIF image stream from STDIN.
    -o, --output FILENAME.gif        Output resulting GIF data to FILENAME.gif. (defaults to STDOUT).
    -p, --progressbar                Overlay progress bar on the animation.
    -d, --delay MS                   Animation frame delay, in tens of ms. (default: 10)
        --delay-last MS              Animation frame delay of last frame, in tens of ms. (default: 50)
    -r, --framerate FPS              Specify amount of frames per second to keep. (default: 10)
        --max-width PIXELS           Output image max width, in pixels. (default: 600)
        --max-height PIXELS          Output image max width, in pixels. (default: 600)
        --no-coalesce                Skip Magick::ImageList#coalesce() if input doesn't need it.
        --no-gifsicle                Prevent filter the output through gifsicle. Greatly increases output file size.
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --verbose                    Verbose output
        --version                    Show version


The following works with OS X and homebrew:

git clone https://github.com/dergachev/screengif.git
cd screengif

# x-quartz is a dependency for gifsicle, no longer installed starting on 10.8
brew cask install x-quartz 
open /usr/local/Cellar/x-quartz/2.7.4/XQuartz.pkg # runs the XQuartz installer

brew install ffmpeg imagemagick gifsicle
# brew install ghostscript # not sure if this is necessary


See https://gist.github.com/dergachev/4627207#os-x-screencast-to-animated-gif for a guide on how to use Quicktime Player to record a screencast on OS X.
Keep in mind that other tools (like Screenflow) produce better video quality.

If you install copy-public-url, the following will automatically upload your new gif to Dropbox:

cp out.gif ~/Dropbox/Public/screenshots


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