Activejquery ============ Oct 15,2009 - Fixed Keyword problems for Ruby 1.8 Fixed "/" problem breaking javascript includes with namespace Oct 10,2009 - Start adding better assoc support Oct 10,2009 - Updated to jquery-ui-1.7.2 and jggrid 3.5.2 June 28,2009 - Renameed localsel automatic divid to tablename_select Remove editurl when not in edit mode Get rid of autowidth on localsel mode Setup to hide localsel grids on initial load Change -pager to _pager for consistancy Fixup the naming convention to better handle has_one convention Added flag to column info to tell us columns that are associations, plus association_name,type,table. Added virtual column for "name" of _id fields while processing columns. June 27 2009 - Remove commented code a bit. Fixup if edit mode not to display icons for add/delete Added detection of selectfield - Either field called name, or first non id field in table Added gridtype to possible javascript parameters Added grid generator support for @gridtype=typeofgrid typeofgrid = main - Normal Grid typeofgrid = localsel - Limited Grid for selecting a single item, with only "name" field, no edit Added html generation to generate has_one relationship June 8 2009 - Fixup grid generator to have parameters to be passed in ?subof=tablename - Indicating that we ard a subtable, and of which table The tablename is the parenttable &divid=name - Indicated the divid of the grid to be generated For a subgrid its parenttable_childtable June 6 2009 - Cleaned up grid javascript Implemented first version using hidden fields Moved all grids to be separate .js files Fixed up divid so grids are re-useable, and multiple instances can be on one page Added first level of support for association May 30 2009 - Moved to using JqGrid 3.5 beta Removed alpha jqgrid subdir Removed jqgrid loader updated show.erb May 15 2009 - Fixed ProtectFromForgery for add and delete. Moved from using editdata for Forgery Protection, to using the edit url, for all edit/add/delete. Fixed Paging offset that was not showing the first 10 records. Fixed a typo where the wrong model was used for updates Merged in public/css and javascripts code to plubin Added install.rb to copy needed files Added support for boolean fields Fixed runtime to disable edit on activerecord magic fields, such as date_created, date_updated, etc May 14 2009 - Added support for one line controller. Added Support for ProtectFromForgery Environment: ======= Designed for Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails 2.3.2 Initial testing done for Ruby 1.8.x Formatting Notes: ================ Activejquery uses a default view to style the grid, this is in views/activejquery/show.erb If you have added addition default styles/views, you may see the page number box to be squashed. Routes ======= You must add a active resource route in config/routes.rb map.resources :airstate Namespaced Controller route example map.namespace :adminspace do |adminspace| adminspace.resources :user end Example ======= Example Controller: Class AirstateController < ApplicationController #before_filter :login_required active_jquery :Syslog end Where Syslog is the name of the model. Installation: ruby script/plugin --verbose install git:// Note: This (git based plugins) is broken in ruby 1.9.1 unless you do a patch. See: TODO =========== 1. Relationships - HASBM 2. Relationships - Belongs to 3. Adding virtual columns for relationships 4. Customization 5. More Edit Types 6. Automatic route creation 7. Automatic javascript to connected related grids 8. Details docs - In planning now 9. Fix localsel table to use @options={:class_name=>"User"}, and @name=:supervisor ~ Copyright (c) 2009 Glenn S West, released under the MIT license