
style defaults

Primary LanguageRuby


Basic, default styles for rails applications


Flutie is a Rails engine. It works with versions of Rails greater than 3.0.

Flutie is recommended to be run as a gem and included in your Gemfile.

$ rake flutie:install

The installer will copy the Flutie stylesheets into public/flutie/stylesheets

Once Flutie is installed, with your application running (not in production environment) you can browse to /styleguide. This will present you with many standard markup elements that are present in a Rails application, in your default application layout.

Click on the “Default styles” link to view the same markup with a barebones layout that only contains the Flutie stylesheets. Click on “Application styles” to view the markup in your application layout.


Flutie registers a :flutie shortcut for stylesheets, so in your layout you can do…

<%= stylesheet_link_tag :flutie, ‘admin’, :cache => true %>

…this will include all the flutie stylesheets, then the ‘admin’ stylesheet, and it will cache them all into one file.

To add custom styles to the styleguide add partials to the app/views/styleguides directory. For example:

  <li class="todo">This is a todo item</li>

Plugin authors can also add to the styleguide by ensuring that their view path
is in ActionController::Base.view_paths and by placing a partial under the
styleguides directory. For example:

ActionController::Base.append_view_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'views'))
<div class="pagination">
  <a href="#prev">Previous</a>
  <a href="#next">Next</a>


Flutie was written by thoughtbot, inc.

Suggestions, Bugs, Refactoring?

Fork away and create a Github Issue. Please don’t send pull requests.