
A Simple simulation of money transfer between accounts via REST API

Primary LanguageJava


A Simple simulation of money transfer between accounts via REST API


To run tests

mvn clean test

To run application in standalone mode

mvn exec:java

Endpoint examples

Add user:

POST http://localhost:4567/moneytfapp/accountusers

sample request:

{ "userName": "sunnydas", "firstName":"Sunny", "lastName": "Das", "emailAddress": "abc@def.com", "dob": "", "address": "" }

sample response

{ "id": 1, "firstName": "Sunny", "lastName": "Das", "emailAddress": "abdc@def.com", "userName": "sunnydas", "dob": "", "address": "" }

Add account

POST http://localhost:4567/moneytfapp/account

sample request:

{ "accountName": "sunny", "userId":"1", "branchCode": "BN01", "currencyCode": "INR", "balance": "100", "accountType": "savings" }

sample response:

{ "id": 1, "userId": 1, "branchCode": "BN01", "accountName": "sunny", "currencyCode": "INR", "balance": 100, "accountType": "savings" }

Transfer between accounts

POST http://localhost:4567/moneytfapp/transfer

sample request:

{ "sourceAccountId" :"1", "targetAccountId": "2", "transferAmount": "10" }

sample response:

{ "sourceAccountId": 1, "targetAccountId": 2, "transferAmount": 10, "dateOfTransfer": "2019-09-25", "status": "SUCCESS" }

Update account balance

PUT http://localhost:4567/moneytfapp/account

sample request:

{ "accountName": "ramesh", "id": "2", "userId":"2", "branchCode": "BN01", "currencyCode": "INR", "balance": "300", "accountType": "savings" }

sample response:

{ "id": 2, "userId": 2, "branchCode": "BN01", "accountName": "ramesh", "currencyCode": "INR", "balance": 300, "accountType": "savings" }

Get account details

GET http://localhost:4567/moneytfapp/account/1

sample response:

{ "id": 1, "userId": 1, "branchCode": "BN01", "accountName": "sunny", "currencyCode": "INR", "balance": 100, "accountType": "savings" }

Get user details

GET http://localhost:4567/moneytfapp/accountusers/1

sample response:

{ "id": 1, "firstName": "Sunny", "lastName": "Das", "emailAddress": "abc@def", "userName": "sunnydas", "dob": "", "address": "" }

Technologies used

Spark H2 Jersey client Java 1.8