
Stream Unlockable NFTs using Superfluid

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Queens Gambit

Stream Unlockable NFTs (SUNFT) are 1 or more NFTs locked into a smart contract that can only be unlocked by streaming tokens into the contract for a set duration. 1 SNUFT contains a sequence of NFTs that each become unlocked after streaming at a rate for a duration of time.

images/SUNFTSequence.png 3 Cyrpto Corgis are wrapped together and locked in a contract to create a single SUNFT, each corgi gets locked and is available once DAIx has been stream for a period of time specified by the creator of this SUNFT


  • Queens Gambit protocol supports minting and managing a SUNFT
    • The original protocol is used for making SUNFTs using Crypto Corgis
  • A SUNFT is define using a sequence of tuples containing:
    • The base NFT contractAddress
    • The tokenId of the NFT to include
    • The minimum rate that needs to be streamed to unlocked
    • The duration that the stream needs to be before unlocking
    • [(contractAddress, tokenId, rate, duration), ... ]
  • Each SUNFT...
    • is minted by passing in the first NFT to add to the SUNFT
    • can have more NFTs appended to it
    • is funded by streaming in DAIx into the SUNFT
    • can be unlocked to recover the art after streaming for the specified rate and duration
    • must be destroyed to recover the deposits
    • can be destroyed early before the locked NFTs are unlocked, the NFTs will return to this SUNFT's creator

Protocol Specification



  • address contractAddress - The contract address of the NFT to include
  • uint256 tokenId - The ID of the NFT from the contract at contractAddress
  • int96 rate - The minimum rate required to start the unlock
  • uint256 duration - The duration in seconds required to stream at least rate to unlock the NFTs
  • bool locked - Status field for whether this NFT is (un)locked


  • mapping (uint256 => LockableNFT) nfts - The sequence of LockableNFT that make up this SUNFT
  • address creator - The minter of this SUNFT
  • uint256 progress - The amount of time in seconds that the stream has been opened, resets after each NFT in the nfts sequence becomes unlocked
  • uint256 lastStartedAt - The timestamp when the last stream was started/updated
  • uint256 nextUnlockedIndex - An index tracking which of the nfts is currently being worked on
  • uint256 owner - The account that owns this SUNFT
  • uint256 principal - The principal amount deposited (i.e. the net total streamed)


  • address queen - The owner of the contract and the address authorized to collect fees
  • mapping (uint256 => StreamUnlockableNFT) sunfts - A mapping of SUNFT tokenIds to their respective StreamUnlockableNFT
  • address depositToken - The token used to feed the corgi NFTs
  • uint256 mintingFee - The fee to mint a SUNFT
  • address mintingFeeToken - The token accepted as the minting fee, 0x0 for ETH


  • onlyRoyalty - modifies methods so they can only be called by the queen


mint(LockableNFT nftToLock)

  • Parameters
    • nftToLock - A sequence of NFTs to lock into this SUNFT
  • Pre-conditions
    • msg.sender has approved this contract to transfer nftToLock
    • msg.sender has approved this contract to transfer mintingFee of mintingFeeTokens
  • Post-conditions
    • all nftsToLock are transferred to this contract
    • 1 SUNFT is transferred to msg.sender

deposit(uint256 sunftId)

  • Parameters
    • sunftId - The id of the SUNFT to start streaming feedToken to
  • Pre-conditions
    • None
  • Post-conditions
    • Opens a superfluid stream to this contract
    • Sets lastStartedAt to now

tryUnlock(uint256 sunftId)

  • Parameters
    • sunftId - The id of the SUNFT to try to unlock/update
  • Pre-conditions
    • None
  • Post-conditions
    • Computes the net amount streamed and updates principal
    • Updates progress with the block.timestamp - lastStartedAt
    • If progress >= nfts[nextUnlockedIndex].duration and msg.sender == owner
      • Unlock the nft at nextUnlockedIndex and transfer it to the SUNFTs owner
      • Increment nextUnlockedIndex
      • Reset progress to 0

stop(uint256 sunftId)

  • Parameters
    • sunftId - The id of the SUNFT to stop streaming depositToken to
  • Pre-conditions
    • None
  • Post-conditions
    • Closes a superfluid stream to this contract
    • Call tryUnlock

destroy(uint256 sunftId)

  • Parameters
    • sunftId - The id of the SUNFT to destroy
  • Pre-conditions
    • The message sender is the owner of the SUNFT at sunftId
  • Post-conditions
    • The NFT is burned
    • If any nfts are still not unlocked
      • principal * 0.95 amount of depositToken is transfered to msg.sender
      • principal * 0.05 amount of depositToken is transfered to queen (early withdraw penalty)
      • Transfer them back to the creator
    • Otherwise
      • principal amount of feedToken is transfered to msg.sender