
CyberSecurity Week 8 Assignment

Primary LanguageHTML

Project 8 - Pentesting Live Targets

Time spent: 1 hours spent in total

Objective: Identify vulnerabilities in three different versions of the Globitek website: blue, green, and red.

The six possible exploits are:

  • Username Enumeration
  • Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)
  • SQL Injection (SQLi)
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Session Hijacking/Fixation

Each version of the site has been given two of the six vulnerabilities. (In other words, all six of the exploits should be assignable to one of the sites.)


Vulnerability #1: SQL Injection (SQLi)
Running ' OR SLEEP(5)=0--' as the ID will set blue link to sleep for 5 seconds. SQLi

Vulnerability #2: Session Hijacking/Fixation
Getting already logged in Session ID and using it as Session ID for a new browser that is not logged in worked on blue link. Session Hijacking/Fixation


Vulnerability #1: Username Enumeration
On green link, you can tell if account exists or not. Class failure is bold and it means the account exists. Class failed is not bold and it means the account doesn't exist. Username Enumeration

Vulnerability #2: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Posting <script>alert('Sunny found the XSS!');</script> as a feedback will give an XSS when the admin views the feedbacks: XSS


Vulnerability #1: Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)
On red link, you can change ID # and see people you normally aren't allowed to see. IDOR Vulnerability #2: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
By running a HTML form, we can change values of stuff on red site without being admin. The HTML is in this repo. IDOR


Not that bad. Was pretty fun working on this. Only "hard" one was CSRF, I had to google up forms for HTML.