
Convert your WordPress website in to an amazing facebook messenger bot.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Facebook Messenger Bot For WordPress ===
Tags: facebook, messenger, bot
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 4.5
Stable tag: 4.5

Convert your WordPress website in to an amazing facebook messenger bot.

== Description ==
This is the first version of the plugin which can convert a WordPress website into an awesome facebook messenger bot. You can add any number of commands and system will respond with any available templates. 

The plugin is not feature rich as of now but I am very excited about it and gathering knowledge about bots at a crazy speed! If you guys find it useful then please go ahead and suggest more features and functionalities and I will build those :) 

There are two types of response method:
1. Normal
2. Data Module


You can select any template from the list, available templates are as follows.
1. Text - Simple text
2. Image - Sends an image file in response
3. Audio - Sends an audio file in response
4. Video - Sends a video file in response
5. File - Sends a video file in response
6. Button - Sends a text message with up to three clickable buttons.
7. Generic - Sends a complex template which has title, subtitle, image, and up to three clickable buttons

Data Module:
It sends the latest posts with summary button attached with every template card.

== Installation ==
Install the zip file from your backend, or extract it and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory, then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

Create a facebook app => https://developers.facebook.com/apps/

Don\'t choose from the listed options, but click on \"advanced setup\" in the bottom.

Choose an app name, and a category, then click on Create App ID.

Pass the security check.

Go to the Settings of the application.

Follow the directions given on this link https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/product-overview/setup

Subscribe your page with the app and get the access token

Paste the access token in website\'s Settings -> BotPress Settings.

Save changes!

== Screenshots ==

1. Add commands for bot to understand so that it can respond with a template you selected.