
Direct translation of the book "31 days of refactoring" by Sean Chambers, Simone Chiaretta from .net to Java

Primary LanguageJava


Most part of my job is to work on a piece of code that's already written by someone. When I read such code, I often like to think(sometimes actually do) about changing things to make the code better. And I also wonder, how a piece of code I am writing today, will be changed by someone else in future. Coz that's what a lot of jobs demand - to be able to re-use/improve/extend code already written.

So I thought of reading a bit about Refactoring, and upon googling, I came acorss this book called 31 Days of Refactoring by Sean Chambers, Simone Chiaretta. It is a great book - clear and concise. It has one lesson per day, but you can really finish the entire book in a day.

The book is originally written for .net as a language. And hence, I took up the task of learning the lessons as given in the book - one per day. But, I also started converting them to Java.

This repo is a literal translation of the book called 31 days of refactoring. Now, a lot of the lessons - like the 1st one - feel very obvious to a Java developer. Those who have read Effective Java might find this a waste! But the point is not to teach Java, it's about engendering the thought of Reafctoring and what to keep in mind while doing it yourself!

I will try to add one lesson each day!

Feel free to contribute! :D


Day 1 - Encapsulate Collection

Day 2 - Move Method

Day 3 - Pull Up Method

Day 4 - Push Down Method

Day 5 - Pull Up Field

Day 6 - Push Down Field

Day 7 - Rename

Day 8 - Replace Inheritence with Delegation

Day 9 - Extract Interface

Day 10 - Extract Method

Day 11 - Switch To Strategy

Day 12 - Break Dependencies

Day 13 - Extract Method Objects

Day 14 - Break Responsibilities

Day 15 - Remove Duplication

Day 16 - Encapsulate Conditional

Day 17 - Extract Superclass

Day 18 - Replace Exceptions With Conditional

Day 19 - Extract Factory Class

Day 20 - Extract Subclass

Day 21 - Collapse Hierarchy

Day 22 - Break Method

Day 23 - Introduce Parameter Object

Day 24 - Remove Arrowhead Antipattern

Day 25 - Introduce Design by Contract Checks

Day 26 - Remove Double Negative

Day 27 - Remove God Classes

Day 28 - Remove Boolean Method

Day 29 - Remove Middle Man

Day 30 - Return ASAP

Day 31 - Replace Conditional With Polymorphism
