Code repository for the paper "Estimating air quality co-benefits of energy transition using machine learning".
This script plots the model performance of the supplemental material (prediction of all pollutants and radii).
This script gathers information from all runs (no matter normalization method and variables) and plots a general trend of hyperparameters to narrow down the search space in 2_cnn_hyper_models.
This script preprocess the data from folder project2_energy_1812, containing the following modules:
- Read stationIDs from stationID.xlsx
- Read energy and weather data from raw/(result/weather) by station. All sectors except for INDP were taken in. RUC and UBC are combined to RDC and RUN and UBN are combined to RDN.
- Data exported to ''/process/energy_data_dic_(version characteristics string).pickle'
- data (dictionary): {station : {sector : 61x61 energy/weather information matrix}}
- characteristics string indicates different versions of the data
- Normalize matrix (image): Three normalization methods
- norm: each entry is normalized to its z-score
- minmax: normalized by the max value of each sector - all values are then between 0-1
- const: normalized by a constant value - taken to be the magnitude of the maximum of each sector
- Read pollution data from 'raw/air_quality_annual.xls'
- get population weights from the column 'station_pop'
- air_p has 1400+ stations
- air_p_subset has 943 stations used for modelling
- Split the dataset into train, validation, test (3:1:1)
- stratified based on provincial region from 'raw/stationID_province_region.xlsx'
- Export to '/process/data_process_dic_(version characteristics string)_(normalization method).pickle'
- dictionary:
dataset names (dictionary keys) | dataset (dictionary values) |
energy_(norm/const/minmax)_air | input standardized, output raw, train-test-split data dictionary |
energy_(mean/std/magnitude/min/max)_air | scale information for respective normalization methods |
energy_vars | a list of sector variables exported: ['AGC', 'AGN', 'AGO', 'INDCT', 'INDNT', 'INDOT', 'SVC', 'SVN', 'SVO', 'trans', 'RDC', 'RDN', 'DEM', 'rain', 'TEM'] |
air_vars | a list of all air quality indicator names: ['pm25','pm10','so2','no2','co','o3','aqi'] |
- Train-test-split data dictionary represents a data dictionary of the following format:
Name | Description |
input_(training/validation/testing) | tensor of the shape (station code, sector, 61, 61) |
output_(training/validation/testing) | output of the pollution metrics |
index_(training/validation/testing) | station codes corresponding to training sample |
weight_(training/validation/testing) | population corresponding to the stations |
This script builds the CNN and does hyperparameter searching.
- The mean and standard deviation was scaled down by 10000 in order to make training easier. (since images are scaled to [0,1])
- Hyperparameter space (original, later shrinked see script for the shortened search space):
- Number of iterations: n_iterations_list = [2000] (each iteration is a batch)
- Number of mini batch: n_mini_batch_list = [20, 50, 100, 200]
- Number of convolutional layers: conv_layer_number_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
- Number of filters for convolutional layers: conv_filter_number_list=[20,50,80,100]
- Size of convolution filters: conv_kernel_size_list=[2,3,4,5,6]
- Stride of convolution filters: conv_stride_list=[1,2]
- Pooling size: pool_size_list=[2,3,4,5,6]
- Pooling stride: pool_stride_list=[1,2]
- Whether to drop out: drop_list=[True,False]
- Dropout rate: dropout_rate_list=[0.0,0.1,0.2,0.5]
- Whether to do batch normalization: bn_list=[True,False]
- Number of fully connected layers: fc_layer_number_list = [1,2,3]
- Number of neurons in the fully connected layers: n_fc_list = [50,100,200]
- Whether to augment data (horizontal flip, inversion, noise): augment_list = [True, False]
- Number of images to augment: additional_image_size_list = [50,100,200]
- Noise to add to the augmented image: epsilon_variance_list = [0.05,0.1,0.2]
- Output: For each model:
- contains a tuple: (model_output, hyperparameters, hyperparameter names)
- model_output is a dictionary
key value output_(training/validation/testing) output of the model (training/validation/testing)_loss_list losses at each epoch (each time entire dataset is through) -
note some runs output_train will have more entries because of data augmentation, the first 565 is the original
file of the models: models/models_(output_var)_(output_radius)_(linear_coef)/model_(model_number)_(iteration_number).ckpt
This script combines the results of all hyperparameter search runs in step 2 if the whole set is finished in multiple runs.
- model_output_hyper_searching_dic_(output_var)_(output_radius).pickle
- a complete list results from all runs under the scope of the run
- cnn_performance_table_(output_var)_(output_radius).csv
- validation and testing error for each run, sorted
- hyperparameter_result_(output_var)_(output_radius).csv
- hyperparameters and validation results, used as input for 00_prune_hp_space when combined with results from other dates.
This script evaluates the validity of the models by their gradients (unit: dPM / d 10k tons). Terminates when the model validation error is more than 50% worse than the best validation error.
Output: model_validity_(output_var)_(output_radius).csv
For each model, the validation error, whether all gradients are positive, whether gradients of indct is smaller than other coals, mean of the gradients for each sector avg_{over all samples}(sum_{over 61x61 image}(dPM/dpixel))
This script runs linear regression on the dataset using the mean of each station, sector, as well as the flattened cell values. Tabulated metrics are: ['R', 'R2', 'RMSE', 'NRMSE', 'MB', 'NMB', 'ME', 'MAPE', 'MFB', 'MFE']
Output: complete_performance_table_(output_var)_(output_radius).csv:
Tabulated metrics for CNN and two linear regression models.
This script does scenario testing as well as calculating gradients (per pixel).
- (model_number)_scenario_pm.xlsx
- Three sheets (INDCT, COAL, OIL), from left to right, true PM, modelled PM, modelled PM with 2% - 20% (increments of 2%) reduction in emissions from all sectors.
(model_number)_marginal_avg_sensitivity.png (supplemental) PM under different fractions of emissions
- (tr/val/te)_gradients: 61 x 61 x #sectors x #observations
- (tr/val/te)_gradients_mean: #sector x #observations
- unit: dPM/d(10k tons)
- results_(model_number).pkl
- scenario_output: # scenario variables x # scenarios x # stations
- gradients: gradients from the above pkl flattened, concatenated, and grouped by id10, taking maximum if one id10 belongs to multiple stations
- gradients_masked: same with gradients except that the gradient is cleared to 0 if there was no emissions in the pixel in the raw dataset
- gradients_full: concatenated gradients by the order of train, val, test, not grouped
- mask_full_df: concatenated mask values (1 if pixel has emissions; 0 for 0 emisssions)
- id10: id10 of gradients and mask_full_df
- indices: list of statoin codes (string)
- fitted_y_(train/validation/test)
gradients_(model_number).csv Gradients of the individual pixels, whenever a pixel belongs to more than 1 station (so there will be multiple gradient values), the larger value is taken.
gradients_masked_(model_number).csv Masked gradients of the individual pixels. Gradients of pixels where there are no emissions are cleared to 0.
This script calculates the avoided premature death using functions in GEMM_function_20200328 and GEMM_function_mean_only_0328. The two functions for calculating premature death give the same unit as the population parameter (input). In this case, the unit is 10k people.
- (model_number)_md_mean_full.csv
- marginal damage measured in $, for each pixel, not grouped
- marginal damage = avoided death (10k people / 10k tons) * 1.8 * 1e10 ($/10k people)
- unit: $/10k tons
- (model_number)_md_mean.csv
- marginal damage,
- grouped by id10 (pixel) and took maximum (when a pixel contributes to more than one station, take the maximum of the marginal damage.)
- (model_number)_scenario_ad_xlsx.xlsx
- avoided death in different scenarios
- unit: 10k ppl
- (model_number)_scenario_ad_csv.csv
- avoided death in different scenarios
- columns = ['variable','scenario','index','p0','p1','pop','mean','p5','p95']
- Marginal damage histogram by sector
- input: (model_number)_md_mean.csv
- process: divide by 10000 to get $/ton
- output: (model_number)_md_hist_(variables_name).png
- Measured vs. Modelled scatterplot
- input: (model_number)_results.pkl
- output: (model_number)_modelled_measured.png
- Scenario PM
- output: (model_number)_scenarios_pm.png
- Scenario avoided death
- input: (model_number)_scenario_ad_csv.csv
- output: (model_number)_scenarios_ad.png
- Total damage by distance from source
- input: (model_number)_md_mean_full.csv
- process: divide marginal damage by 1e9 to get $Billions/ 10k ton, multiply by input emissions/10000 (10k tons) to get $ Billions in total damage
- output: (model_number)_td_distance_from_source_by_sector.png
- Total damage by sector
- output: (model_number)_td_by_sector.png
- Total damage by provincial regions
- (model_number)_td_by_province.png
CNN related functions
This script contains the code for all performance metrics.