Hello Everyone

This is Anurag Mor here. Most probably you know me who are in contact with me. If you know me then I am glad. Thank you for your time.

  • 💻 I’m currently working on a DevOps Pipeline Project that scraps out my LinkedIn data and stored is in a file.

  • 📖 I’m currently learning Ansible,Testing Methodolgies

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on OpenSourced projects on DevOps and Web App

  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with my Website Development skills.

  • 📫 You can reach to me: LinkedIn or Twitter or Email

  • 😄 Pronouns: Coder, Leader and Sweet lovely person

  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love Afghan Fruits Amul flavoured icecream 🍨 . Let's grab some in your free time.I usually eat it in winters at nights.

About Me

I have the attitude of a learner, the courage of an entrepreneur and the thinking of an optimist,engraved inside me. I wish to be a leader in my community of people.

My interest lies in writing both technical/non-technical blogs. I am a programmer, a DevOps enthusiast and an Opensource contributor.

My hobbies include Painting, Reading Current Affairs Magzine, Newspaper and Listening to Music.

My Work Experience

Job Name Roles & responsibilities Duration
Discipline Committee Member
  • To maintain and enforce strict discipline within the college campus.
  • To ensure calm and peaceful academic atmosphere in the campus.
  • To avoid physical confrontation among students during fest in the college.
  • To initiate model actions against students involved in indiscipilinary activities, if found.
  • If any indiscipline is found by any of the students, warn them on the first instance. Take disciplinary action based on the rules and regulations of the committee, if the pattern of misconduct continues.
August 2019 - Present
Saftey Ranger Committee Member
  • The main responsibilities were that students adhere to traffic rules and follow them.
  • In the college premises no student was allowed to do smoking, drugs or other irrelevant things.
August 2018 To May 2020
Campus Ambassador
(IIT Roorkee Cognizant 2020)
  • Developed marketing efforts such as posters and social media ads to encourage student participation for events.
  • Promoted campus awareness of activities and engagement opportunities with on-campus table tents, email distribution, and social media promotion.
  • Built personal relationships with guests to promote positive experiences.
January 2020 to March 2020
Organizing Committee Member
  • Responsible for planning, managing, and organizing events in the most efficient way.
  • Propose ideas to improve provided services and event quality.
  • Organize facilities and manage all event’s details such as decor, catering, entertainment, transportation, location, invitee list, special guests, equipment, promotional material etc.
September 2018 to November 2019
Public Relations Representative
  • The main motive was to get maximum registration in the events and competitions organized by the chapter.
  • The main work was to make connection with other college and get the participation from other college which helped in developing the network.
  • The other major work to collaborate with different brands to sponsors us and increase the global network.
August 2018 - April 2019
Campus Ambassador
(IIT Bombay Techfest)
  • Promoted campus awareness of activities and engagement opportunities with on-campus table tents, email distribution, and social media promotion.
July 2020 - Present

Some Statistics about my git repo:-

Anurag Mor's github stats

Some Of My Projects