
Proof of concept for using React Native in a Next.js project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🌍 React Native for Next.js Proof of Concept

This is a proof of concept repository for using React Native in a Next.js project.

The main focus is to explore the possibility of sharing components between web and native.

▶️ Walkthrough

  1. Take a look at the UniversalComponent.js component which is defined with only React Native primitives.
  2. This component is then imported in pages/index.js (a normal Next.js page with DOM elements).
  3. Start the app*: npm install && npm start
  4. Open the app: http://localhost:3000
  5. You should see a working Next.js page with the universal component being rendered without issues. This universal component can be used in a React Native mobile app as well because it doesn't render any DOM elements. Now we can "Write once, run anywhere." 😎

*This repository's default branch is also deployed to universal-components.vercel.app

📚 Resources