a simple macro define help Android JNI developer write cleaner code

Primary LanguageC


a simple header file with macro define help Android JNI developer write cleaner code

#define java(type, name, ...) jni(nspace, type, name, VA_ARGS)

please include the 'MCJNI.h' file into each JNI .c file
and add the above java() macro define into each JNI .c file
change the <nspace> into 'Java_packagename_classname'
example: 'Java_com_android_gles3jni_GLES3JNILib'

use the java() macro like this:
java(void, resize, jint width, jint height)
	onResizeScreen(width, height);

java(void, step, voida)
the macro need at least one argument
if the function have no argument use 'voida' as placeholder

each JNI function have two hidden arguments
1. JNIEnv* env
2. jobject obj
you can use 'env' & 'obj' access the JVM environment and Java object proxy