
🪴 A simple, clean, flexible Hugo theme → now in 5.0!

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Paper 5.0

Demo → hugo-paper.vercel.app

A simple, clean, flexible Hugo theme.

⚡️ Fast | 🦋 Fluent | 🪀 Smooth


Desktop Mobile

Hugo themes: themes.gohugo.io/hugo-paper


Inside the folder of your Hugo project, run:

git submodule add https://github.com/nanxiaobei/hugo-paper themes/paper

Open config.toml, change theme to "paper":

theme = "paper"

For more information, please read the official guide of Hugo.


Available options to config.toml:

disqusShortname = 'YOUR_DISQUES_SHORTNAME'   # add disqus comments

  disableHLJS = true                         # don't use highlight.js
  twitter = 'YOUR_TWITTER_ID'                # twitter.com/YOUR_TWITTER_ID
  github = 'YOUR_GITHUB_ID'                  # github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_ID
  instagram = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ID'            # instagram.com/YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ID

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If you use WeChat, please try "FUTAKE". It's a WeChat mini app for your inspiration moments. 🌈