- aasthan4Virginia Tech
- ajmisquitta
- alvarovmArgonne National Lab
- avirshupArzeda
- BismarrckBeijing, China
- chrinide
- chstemBerlin
- cuanto
- evaleevVirginia Tech
- felipeZAmsterdam, Netherlands
- fuulish
- hiracchiThe University of Tokyo
- hokruPending.AI
- hongchengni
- jagotMax Born Institute
- jeffhammond@nvidia
- jhrmnn@microsoft
- jordangarsidesomewhere
- junduck
- kemiisto
- Lyle-zhangHarbin Institute of Technology
- matt-chan
- mfherbst@epfl-matmat
- mjw99@vernalis
- nvpopov
- peterspackmanCurtin University
- physbean
- pouillonDonostia-San Sebastián, Spain
- scemamaLaboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques / CNRS
- SebWoutersGhent, Belgium
- shiozakiQSimulate
- smheidrichGermany
- ssh2
- v3op01
- vpohlBerlin
- XinChenQCVisa pending, cannot work