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Moonquakes is a demo project. It show how to intercommunicate in use of jsonrpc protocol in some web framework, those web framework is written by java, php or golang.
In moonquakes, the java framework is springboot, it use jsonrpc4j to communicate with go and php framework; The php framework is Hyperf, it has own jsonrpc component to communicate with go and java framework; The go framework use jsonrpc4go to communicate with java and php framework.
- Use ip.
# Clone code.
git clone git@github.com:sunquakes/moonquakes.git
cd moonquakes
# Switch to branch main.
git switch main
# Build image.
docker-compose build
# Run docker container.
docker-compose up
- Use consul.
# Clone code.
git clone git@github.com:sunquakes/moonquakes.git
cd moonquakes
# Switch to branch consul.
git switch consul
# Build image.
docker-compose build
# Run docker container.
docker-compose up
- Use nacos.
# Clone code.
git clone git@github.com:sunquakes/moonquakes.git
cd moonquakes
# Switch to branch nacos.
git switch nacos
# Build image.
docker-compose build
# Run docker container.
docker-compose up