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Sunrise Data

This software "sunrise-data" is a program to publish and retrieve the BLOB data from off chain storage like IPFS, Arweave and so on.

Run sunrise chain node

Run Local IPFS Node

sunrise-data uses IPFS protocol to upload metadata and shard to IPFS.

1. Download and extract ipfs node binary

You can download official prebuilt binaries from IPFS kubo and Extract kubo_v0.31.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz after download.

wget https://dist.ipfs.tech/kubo/v0.29.0/kubo_v0.29.0_darwin-amd64.tar.gz

2. Install IPFS


mv ./kubo/ipfs /usr/local/bin/


wget https://dist.ipfs.tech/kubo/v0.31.0/kubo_v0.31.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -xvzf kubo_v0.31.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd kubo
sudo ./install.sh

To check ipfs has been installed.

ipfs version
 ipfs version 0.31.0

3. Initialize IPFS

ipfs init --profile=lowpower

4. Run IPFS as daemon

ipfs daemon

5. Get IPFS node id

ipfs id

6. Add a remote IPFS node to the peer list

ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/

You can visit http://localhost:8080/ipfs to check runing IPFS RPC.

Store project

This project need to store in directory stored "sunrise" codebase


Setup Config

Copy config.default.toml to config.toml and edit


  1. ipfs_api_url: To connect to a local IPFS daemon, leave this field empty
  2. home_path: Your sunrised path. Usually ends with .sunrise.
  3. keyring_backend: sunrised's keyring
  4. sunrised_rpc: sunrised's RPC URL. To connect to a local chain, use http://localhost:26657

Only L2 Publisher

  1. publisher_account: Account to send MetadataUrl of L2 data to Sunrise chain, $RISE balance required.
  2. publish_fees: If not enough, increase this.

Only Validator

  1. proof_deputy_account: Account on behalf of the proof, which must be registered with MsgRegisterProofDeputy tx.
  2. validator_address: Your validator address. Prefixed sunrisevaloper.
  3. proof_fees: If not enough, increase this.

Run Service

See Sunrise Document for more information of each role.

L2 Publisher Document

Validator Document

  • Run daemon
make dev
  • Install daemon
make install
sunrise-data api # if you use api service for OP-Stack, etc.
sunrise-data rollkit # if you publish data from rollkit
sunrise-data validator # if you are a validator

API Endpoint

1. POST http://localhost:8000/publish

Request JSON:

    "blob": "Base64 Encoded string",
    "data_shard_count": number,
    "parity_shard_count": number,
    "protocol": "ipfs" or "arweave"

Response JSON:

    metadata_uri: "metadata_uri"

2. GET http://localhost:8000/shard-hashes?metadata_uri=[metadata_uri]&indices=1,2,3


    shard_size: number,
        "base64 encoded shard for index1",
        "base64 encoded shard for index2",
        "base64 encoded shard for index3",

3. GET http://localhost:8000/blob?metadata_uri


    blob:"base64 encoded blob",

4. Issue on API

In case that error occurs on API service, Endpoint returns HTTP 400 code and error msg.

Testing Example for API Endpoint

1. Publsh

POST http://localhost:8000/publish
    "blob": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA=",   // "12345678901234567890"
    "data_shard_count": 5,
    "parity_shard_count": 5,
    "protocol": "ipfs" // or "arweave"

    metadata_uri: "ipfs://QmPXFt19HTkGjoZcbavLEgYYsuPm2xJR7hkhQxtRgPURMU"

2. Shard Hashes API

GET http://localhost:8000/shard-hashes?metadata_uri=ipfs://QmPdJ4GtFRvpkbsn47d1HbEioSYtSvgAYDkq5KsL5xUb1C&indices=1,2,3


3. Get blob data from metadata_uri

GET http://localhost:8000/blob?metadata_uri=ipfs://QmPdJ4GtFRvpkbsn47d1HbEioSYtSvgAYDkq5KsL5xUb1C

    "blob": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA"

Validator Service

Validate data availability as obligated by the validator. See Validator Document for details, including setting up a delegate account.

  • Search new challenging published data
  • Verify shard double hashes in published data
  • Submit MsgSubmitValidityProof