Hello world with Sinatra, Thin & Nginx

This is a sample sinatra application working with thin and nginx.


  1. bundle install

  2. Include config/nginx.conf in your main nginx.conf. E.g.

     include /d/bb/nginx_thin_sinatra_hello_world/config/nginx.conf;
  3. Start server ./bin/start


Best way to start the development server:

bundle exec rerun "rackup -s thin -p 5555 config.ru"


Use helper scripts in bin directory

  • start to start thin cluster
  • stop to stop thin cluster
  • restart to restart thin cluster

All script must be run from the root directory, e.g: ./bin/start


Use the following command to test your sinatra app. The host must be configured in Nginx.

  1. Static resource:

    curl -H 'Host: app.com' localhost/hello.txt

  2. Dynamic resource:

    curl -H 'Host: app.com' localhost