
:orange_book: A notebook for programming contests

Primary LanguageC++

fork from NCTU_Revenclew original

Notebook / ACM-ICPC Contest Template

This is a notebook for attending programming contests.
We found way to prepare codebook from NCTU_Revenclew's.
They help us a lot.

Struture and TODO

  • Math
    • Basic
    • Euler Funcion
    • Extended Euclidean
    • Chinese Remain Theorm
    • Counting
    • Miller Rabin
    • Pollard rho
    • Linear Algebra
    • FFT
    • Hash
    • NIM
  • String
    • KMP
    • Longest Palindrome Substring
    • AC Automation
    • Z Algorithm
    • Suffix Array
    • Burrows–Wheeler transform
    • Suffix Automata
  • Tree
    • Treap
    • Tree Min Vertex Cover
  • Graph
    • Biconnected Components
    • Strong Connected Components
    • Graph Coloring
    • 2-SAT
    • System of Difference Constraints
    • Bipartite: MaxMatch, MinVerCover, MaxIndSet
    • Bipartite: KM
    • Min Vertex Cover
    • Max Independent Set
    • Max Clique
    • Blossom Algorithm
  • Flow
    • Dinic: Max Flow, Min Cut
  • Geometry
    • Basic
    • Polygon Intersect
    • 2D Convex Hull
    • Minimal Enclose Disk
    • Closest Point
    • Min Max Triangle


Install Dependency


sudo apt install texlive texlive-generic-extra


git clone https://github.com/sunset1995/ACM_ICPC_codebook.git


vim codebook.tex



Dependencies: texlive, texlive-collection-basic, texlive-collection-latex, texlive-collection-latexrecommended, texlive-collection-fontsrecommended, texlive-collection-fontsextra.