
The map for NCU Fresh 2024

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is the map for NCU-Fresh-2024

Please install RPG maker MV first, before you dive into the project.

After you intall RPG maker, use RPG Maker MV to open the file "Game.rpgproject", then you can start editting~

The file of campus map is "map002".

How to get start? You can read this file: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19hffPNh-YRAo5HteKgGrG9JSs7_wcSXgrC_1UpjmeQk/edit#heading=h.3pdjrfxn5iy6


這是2024 新生知訊網的地圖

在開始之前,請先下載RPG Maker MV。

下載完成後,請使用 RPG Maker MV 打開 這個檔案"Game.rpgproject",接著你就可以開始你的操作了~

校園地圖的檔案是 map002。

如何開始? 操作教學請參考這份連結: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19hffPNh-YRAo5HteKgGrG9JSs7_wcSXgrC_1UpjmeQk/edit#heading=h.3pdjrfxn5iy6