
Canonical Correlation Analysis Model Zoo: Standard: CCA, GCCA, MCCA, TCCA, KCCA, TKCCA, sparse CCA , ridge CCA and elastic CCA, PMD, PLS. Deep: DCCA, DMCCA, DGCCA, DTCCA. DVCCA, DCCAE, SplitAE. Probabilistic: VBCCCA. With simulated data generation and toy datasets.

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now including tensor and deep tensor cca and variational bayesian cca!


Note: for standard install use: pip install cca-zoo

For deep learning elements use: pip install cca-zoo[deep]

For probabilistic elements use: pip install cca-zoo[probabilistic]

This means that there is no need to install the large pytorch package or numpyro to run cca-zoo unless you wish to use deep learning


Available at https://cca-zoo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


If this repository was helpful to you please do give a star.

In case this work is used as part of research I attach a DOI bibtex entry:

  author       = {James Chapman and
                  Hao-Ting Wang},
  title        = {jameschapman19/cca\_zoo:},
  month        = jun,
  year         = 2021,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v1.6.1},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.4925892},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4925892}

Canonical Correlation Analysis Methods: cca-zoo

CCA (Canonical Correlation Analysis)

Solutions based on either alternating least squares or as the solution to genrralized eigenvalue problem

GCCA (Generalized CCA) :


MCCA (Multiset CCA)

TCCA (Tensor CCA) :


SCCA (Sparse CCA) :

Mai's sparse CCA

SPLS (Sparse PLS/Penalized Matrix Decomposition) :

Witten's sparse CCA

PCCA (Penalized CCA - elastic net)

Waiijenborg's elastic penalized CCA

Deep CCA:

A variety of Deep CCA and related methods. All allow for user to pass their own model architectures. Recently added solutions to DCCA using nob-linear orthogonal iterations (or alternating least squares)

DCCA (Deep CCA) :

https://ttic.uchicago.edu/~klivescu/papers/andrew_icml2013.pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.02054v1.pdf Using either Andrew's original Tracenorm Objective or Wang's alternating least squares solution

DGCCA (Deep Generalized CCA) :

https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4301.pdf An alternative objective based on the linear GCCA solution. Can be extended to more than 2 views

DMCCA (Deep Multiset CCA) :

https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.01775 An alternative objective based on the linear MCCA solution. Can be extended to more than 2 views

DTCCA (Deep Tensor CCA) :


DCCAE (Deep Canonically Correlated Autoencoders) :


DVCCA/DVCCA Private (Deep variational CCA):

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.03454.pdf Wang's DVCCA and DVCCA Private


A guide to contributions is available at https://cca-zoo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer_info/contribute.html


I've added this section to give due credit to the repositories that helped me in addition to their copyright notices in the code where relevant.

Models can be tested on data from MNIST datasets provided by the torch package (https://pytorch.org/) and the UCI dataset provided by mvlearn package (https://mvlearn.github.io/)

Other Implementations of (regularised)CCA/PLS:

MATLAB implementation https://github.com/anaston/PLS_CCA_framework

Implementation of Sparse PLS:

MATLAB implementation of SPLS by @jmmonteiro (https://github.com/jmmonteiro/spls)

Other Implementations of DCCA/DCCAE:

Keras implementation of DCCA from @VahidooX's github page(https://github.com/VahidooX) The following are the other implementations of DCCA in MATLAB and C++. These codes are written by the authors of the original paper:

Torch implementation of DCCA from @MichaelVll & @Arminarj: https://github.com/Michaelvll/DeepCCA

C++ implementation of DCCA from Galen Andrew's website (https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~galen/)

MATLAB implementation of DCCA/DCCAE from Weiran Wang's website (http://ttic.uchicago.edu/~wwang5/dccae.html)

MATLAB implementation of TCCA from https://github.com/rciszek/mdr_tcca

Implementation of VAE:

Torch implementation of VAE (https://github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/master/vae)