1. Run with the manaul way(non-container)

Start tha server


2. Run with the docker way

Build the image locally

docker build -t task-api .

Run the container in port 5100

docker run --name task-api \
    -d -p 5100:5100 \

3. After the server is up, run some casual tests

Get tasks

curl http://localhost:5100/tasks/

Helper shell script for testing


4. Using a shell script to interact with the server

# Add a task
./tasks add "some title" 21/08/2019

# List all tasks
./tasks list

# List tasks expiring today
# tasks list --expiring-today

# Toggle task done
./tasks done 3

5. unittest

Here we use pytest for unit testing framework.

pipenv install
pipenv shell
pytest -v -l test