
A beautiful vue component for image cropping and uploading. (vue图片剪裁上传组件)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A beautiful vue component for image crop and upload. (vue图片剪裁上传组件).

Notice: This component is designed for pc, not recommended for use on the mobile side.(该组件适用于pc端,不推荐手机端使用)

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Change log


  • Added the Swedish language pack (thanks @hekin1)
  • Added the Myanmar language pack (thanks @tintnaingwinn)


  • Added the Thai language pack (thanks @godxavia)


  • Added the Uygur language pack (thanks @oyghan)


  • If the exported picture is in jpg format, the background is white by default, and you can customize it with the "imgBgc" attribute. If it is png, the default transparent color
  • Optimized image rotation
  • Added the Italian language pack (thanks @phaberest)
  • Added the Arabic language pack (thanks @barakat-turki)
  • Added the Ukrainian language pack (thanks @dvomaks)


  • Added the Japanese language pack (thanks @KangYoosam)


  • Added the German language pack (thanks @attx)


  • Added the Chinese Traditional language pack (thanks @s950329)


  • Strengthen the function of image rotation and does not display square preview picture


  • Added the spanish MX language pack (thanks @vickvasquez)


  • Added the Turkish language pack (thanks @smhayhan)


  • Added the Dutch language pack (thanks @blyleven)


  • If url prop is empty, the picture will not be uploaded


  • Adjust the import mode for different versions of vue, The default vue version is vue2
  • Added the French language pack (thanks @valerymelou)
  • Added the Portuguese (Brazil) language pack (thanks @abensur)


  • Added the Romanian language pack (thanks @doriandrn)


  • Added the Russian language pack (thanks @bigperson)
  • Added a new Props: "headers" (Used to set the POST request header)


  • Compatible vue2


  • Adjusted Props naming: "otherParams"=>"params", "langConf"=>“langExt”
  • Optimized language packs


Click me.



Brower compatibility



vue@1/vue@2 + webpack + es6



$ npm install vue-image-crop-upload



Name Type Default Description
url String '' Server api path,like "/avatar/upload", If empty, will not be uploaded
field String 'upload' Upload input filename, used for server side get the file stream.
value Boolean twoWay show or not
params Object null POST Params,like "{k:v}"
headers Object null POST request header,like "{k:v}"
langType String 'zh' language type
langExt Object language extend
width Number 200 width of receive image
height Number 200 height of receive image
imgFormat string 'png' jpg/png, Server api receive file type.
imgBgc string '#fff' background color, if the imgFormat prop is jpg
noCircle Boolean false disable circle preview
noSquare Boolean false disable square preview
noRotate Boolean true disable rotate function
withCredentials Boolean false support cross-domain


Name Description
cropSuccess image crop success, params( imageDataUrl, field )
cropUploadSuccess upload success, params( jsonData, field )
cropUploadFail upload fail, params( status, field )

Language package

Support language Shorthand Contributors
中文(default) zh dai-siki
繁体中文 zh-tw s950329
English en dai-siki / doriandrn
Russian ru bigperson
Romanian ro doriandrn
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-br abensur
French fr valerymelou
Dutch nl blyleven
Turkish tr smhayhan
spanish MX es-MX vickvasquez
German de attx
Japanese ja KangYoosam
Italian it phaberest
Arabic ar barakat-turki
ukrainian ua dvomaks
Uyghur ug oyghan
Thai th godxavia
Myanmar mm tintnaingwinn
Swedish se hekin1
// example
    en: {
        hint: 'Click or drag the file here to upload',
        loading: 'Uploading…',
        noSupported: 'Browser is not supported, please use IE10+ or other browsers',
        success: 'Upload success',
        fail: 'Upload failed',
        preview: 'Preview',
        btn: {
            off: 'Cancel',
            close: 'Close',
            back: 'Back',
            save: 'Save'
        error: {
            onlyImg: 'Image only',
            outOfSize: 'Image exceeds size limit: ',
            lowestPx: 'Image\'s size is too low. Expected at least: '

Example vue@2

<div id="app">
	<a class="btn" @click="toggleShow">set avatar</a>
	<my-upload field="img"
	<img :src="imgDataUrl">

	import 'babel-polyfill'; // es6 shim
	import Vue from 'vue';
	import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload';

	new Vue({
		el: '#app',
		data: {
			show: true,
			params: {
				token: '123456798',
				name: 'avatar'
			headers: {
				smail: '*_~'
			imgDataUrl: '' // the datebase64 url of created image
		components: {
			'my-upload': myUpload
		methods: {
			toggleShow() {
				this.show = !this.show;
			 * crop success
			 * [param] imgDataUrl
			 * [param] field
			cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field){
				console.log('-------- crop success --------');
				this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
			 * upload success
			 * [param] jsonData  server api return data, already json encode
			 * [param] field
			cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field){
				console.log('-------- upload success --------');
				console.log('field: ' + field);
			 * upload fail
			 * [param] status    server api return error status, like 500
			 * [param] field
			cropUploadFail(status, field){
				console.log('-------- upload fail --------');
				console.log('field: ' + field);

Example vue@1

<div id="app">
	<a class="btn" @click="toggleShow">set avatar</a>
	<my-upload field="img"
	<img :src="imgDataUrl">

	import 'babel-polyfill'; // es6 shim
	import Vue from 'vue';
	import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload/upload-1.vue';

	new Vue({
		el: '#app',
		data: {
			show: true,
			params: {
				token: '123456798',
				name: 'avatar'
			headers: {
				smail: '*_~'
			imgDataUrl: '' // the datebase64 url of created image
		components: {
			'my-upload': myUpload
		methods: {
			toggleShow() {
				this.show = !this.show;
		events: {
			 * crop success
			 * [param] imgDataUrl
			 * [param] field
			cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field){
				console.log('-------- crop success --------');
				this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
			 * upload success
			 * [param] jsonData   server api return data, already json encode
			 * [param] field
			cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field){
				console.log('-------- upload success --------');
				console.log('field: ' + field);
			 * upload fail
			 * [param] status    server api return error status, like 500
			 * [param] field
			cropUploadFail(status, field){
				console.log('-------- upload fail --------');
				console.log('field: ' + field);





  • 如果导出图片格式为jpg,则背景默认白色,你也可以通过新增的“imgBgc”属性自定义。如果导出格式为png,则默认透明
  • 优化了旋转效果


  • 增加了图片旋转和不显示方形预览图片的功能


  • 默认支持版本改为vue2,vue1的同学需要引入upload-1.vue


  • 添加了新属性: "headers" (用于设置请求头部:setRequestHeader)


  • 兼容vue@2版本


  • 调整了Props命名: "otherParams"=>"params", "langConf"=>"langExt"








vue@2(或vue@1) + webpack + es6



$ npm install vue-image-crop-upload



名称 类型 默认 说明
url String '' 上传接口地址,如果为空,图片不会上传
field String 'upload' 向服务器上传的文件名
value Boolean twoWay 是否显示控件,双向绑定
params Object null 上传附带其他数据,格式"{k:v}"
headers Object null 上传header设置,格式"{k:v}"
langType String 'zh' 语言类型,默认中文
langExt Object 语言包自行扩展
width Number 200 最终得到的图片宽度
height Number 200 最终得到的图片高度
imgFormat string 'png' jpg/png, 最终得到的图片格式
imgBgc string '#fff' 导出图片背景色,当imgFormat属性为jpg时生效
noCircle Boolean false 关闭 圆形图像预览
noSquare Boolean false 关闭 方形图像预览
noRotate Boolean true 关闭 旋转图像功能
withCredentials Boolean false 支持跨域


名称 说明
cropSuccess 图片截取完成事件(上传前), 参数( imageDataUrl, field )
cropUploadSuccess 上传成功, 参数( jsonData, field )
cropUploadFail 上传失败, 参数( status, field )


    zh: {
        hint: '点击,或拖动图片至此处',
        loading: '正在上传……',
        noSupported: '浏览器不支持该功能,请使用IE10以上或其他现在浏览器!',
        success: '上传成功',
        fail: '图片上传失败',
        preview: '头像预览',
        btn: {
            off: '取消',
            close: '关闭',
            back: '上一步',
            save: '保存'
        error: {
            onlyImg: '仅限图片格式',
            outOfSize: '单文件大小不能超过 ',
            lowestPx: '图片最低像素为(宽*高):'

使用示例 vue@1

<div id="app">
	<a class="btn" @click="toggleShow">设置头像</a>
	<my-upload field="img"
	<img :src="imgDataUrl">

	import 'babel-polyfill'; // es6 shim
	import Vue from 'vue';
	import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload/upload-1.vue';

	new Vue({
		el: '#app',
		data: {
			show: true,
			params: {
				token: '123456798',
				name: 'avatar'
			headers: {
				smail: '*_~'
			imgDataUrl: '' // the datebase64 url of created image
		components: {
			'my-upload': myUpload
		methods: {
			toggleShow() {
				this.show = !this.show;
		events: {
			 * crop success
			 * [param] imgDataUrl
			 * [param] field
			cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field){
				console.log('-------- crop success --------');
				this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
			 * upload success
			 * [param] jsonData   服务器返回数据,已进行json转码
			 * [param] field
			cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field){
				console.log('-------- upload success --------');
				console.log('field: ' + field);
			 * upload fail
			 * [param] status    server api return error status, like 500
			 * [param] field
			cropUploadFail(status, field){
				console.log('-------- upload fail --------');
				console.log('field: ' + field);


使用示例 vue@2

<div id="app">
	<a class="btn" @click="toggleShow">设置头像</a>
	<my-upload field="img"
	<img :src="imgDataUrl">

	import 'babel-polyfill'; // es6 shim
	import Vue from 'vue';
	import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload';

	new Vue({
		el: '#app',
		data: {
			show: true,
			params: {
				token: '123456798',
				name: 'avatar'
			headers: {
				smail: '*_~'
			imgDataUrl: '' // the datebase64 url of created image
		components: {
			'my-upload': myUpload
		methods: {
			toggleShow() {
				this.show = !this.show;
			 * crop success
			 * [param] imgDataUrl
			 * [param] field
			cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field){
				console.log('-------- crop success --------');
				this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
			 * upload success
			 * [param] jsonData   服务器返回数据,已进行json转码
			 * [param] field
			cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field){
				console.log('-------- upload success --------');
				console.log('field: ' + field);
			 * upload fail
			 * [param] status    server api return error status, like 500
			 * [param] field
			cropUploadFail(status, field){
				console.log('-------- upload fail --------');
				console.log('field: ' + field);
