
DeepLearning Packages In NCI

MIT LicenseMIT


DeepLearning Packages In NCI for big data research in traffic. Markdown Syntax

During project is running, we must write wikidoc, see Markdown Syntax Learning for detail decription of markdown syntax

Git Manager

The project will be managed by Git, git commmand is detail shown at GIT Also, we must develope using branch, step as follows:

  1. git branch [your branch name]. 创建分支
  2. git checkout [your branch name]. 转换分支
  3. git merge [you destination branch name]. 将目标分支合并在当前分支下
  4. git push origin [分支名] 提交到分支下
  5. git push origin master 提交到主分支

DeepLearning Tutorial

A opensource Deeping Tutorial is seen at http://deeplearning.net/tutorial/ and written by c,c++,Java,python,Scala is also see at https://github.com/yusugomori/DeepLearning